This is regarding notification in connection with holding of Competitive Examination for filling up the posts of Multi Tasking Staff for the vacancies of the year 2018 (25% vacancies by direct recruitment on the basis of competitive Examination restricted to the GDS of the Division/unit) as per instructions contained in Postal Directorate’s letters No. 37-33/2009-SPB-I dated 5-6-2015 & 31-07-2015. The examination is scheduled to.be held on 30-09-2018.
1. Conduct of examination:
(a) For direct recruitment in Multi Tasking Staff Cadre, an examination will be held as per Department of Posts, MTS, Recruitment Rules, 2015 to fill up 25% of the vacancies on the basis of competitive Examination limited to the Gramin Dak Sewaks of the Division or Unit.
(b) There will be no exam for filling up 25% quota of vacancies for deputation to APS as per Directorate’s instruction.
(c) As per instructions in the Dte. letter No. 37-33/2009-SPB-J dated 31-07-2015 eligible GDSs may apply for filling up 25% quota of MTS vacancies in Division/Unit. The vacancies will be filled from GDS ranked higher in the merit list to the extent of vacancies.
2. Vacancies for holding the exam:
The Examination for filling up the 25% vacancies for the year 2018 of Multi Tasking Staff will be conducted, which is communicated to all the Divisions! Units vide this office letter no. Rectt I R-46/2018 dated 14-08-2018. The Head of the Divisional Units are requested to submit the community wise break up of the vacancies of MTS cadre communicated in this office letter dated 14-08-2018 referred to above, to this office immediately.
3. Eligibility Criteria:
The age limit for the GDS candidates shall be 50 years as on the I st day of April of the year of the vacancy, in this case, 01.04.2018 (relaxable for SC/ST candidates up to 5 years and OBC candidates up to 3 years). The age concession for SC/STIOBC candidates is applicable only against respective reserved quota of vacancies. The GDS candidates who joined in the service on or after 01-04-2018 would not be permitted to appear in the MTS Recruitment Examination 2018.
4. Pattern & Syllabus for the examination:
In accordance with the instructions contained in Directorate letter No. 45- 14/2012-SP8-f dated 17-01-2014, the revised pattern and syllabus for the examination is furnished below:
I. Candidates shall be subjected to an Aptitude Test covering the following
Total Marks-l00
Revised Pattern & Syllabus
Ill. One blank page will be kept at the end of Question Paper Booklet for . rough work by the candidate.
In accordance with Dte. Letter No. 4S-14(i)/2012-SPB-I dated 31-07-2012 for Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) the terms and conditions regarding qualifying marks IS furnished below :-
a. Parts A and B – Minimum 10 marks for OC, 8 marks for SC/ST and 9 marks for OBC candidates in each part.
b. Parts C (Two segments)- Minimum 10 marks for OC, 8 marks for SC/ST and 9 marks for OBC candidates in each segment.
c. 40% marks for OC, 33% marks for SC/ST and 37% marks for OBC candidates in aggregate.
5. Venue of Examination:
The examination will be held at Kolkata centre (for candidates of Kolkata Region, M & BD Region, South Bengal Region , HQ Jurisdiction except A&N Islands), Siliguri centre (for candidates of North Bengal Region) , Port Blair Center ( for A&N Islands ) & Gangtok ( for Sikkim State) .