Saturday, 25 August 2018

Holding of Competitive Examination for MTS in West Bengal Circle 2018

This is regarding notification in connection with holding of Competitive Examination for filling up the posts of Multi Tasking Staff for the vacancies of the year 2018 (25% vacancies by direct recruitment on the basis of competitive Examination restricted to the GDS of the Division/unit) as per instructions contained in Postal Directorate’s letters No. 37-33/2009-SPB-I dated 5-6-2015 & 31-07-2015. The examination is scheduled held on 30-09-2018.

1. Conduct of examination:

(a) For direct recruitment in Multi Tasking Staff Cadre, an examination will be held as per Department of Posts, MTS, Recruitment Rules, 2015 to fill up 25% of the vacancies on the basis of competitive Examination limited to the Gramin Dak Sewaks of the Division or Unit.

(b) There will be no exam for filling up 25% quota of vacancies for deputation to APS as per Directorate’s instruction.

(c) As per instructions in the Dte. letter No. 37-33/2009-SPB-J dated 31-07-2015 eligible GDSs may apply for filling up 25% quota of MTS vacancies in Division/Unit. The vacancies will be filled from GDS ranked higher in the merit list to the extent of vacancies.

2. Vacancies for holding the exam:

The Examination for filling up the 25% vacancies for the year 2018 of Multi Tasking Staff will be conducted, which is communicated to all the Divisions! Units vide this office letter no. Rectt I R-46/2018 dated 14-08-2018. The Head of the Divisional Units are requested to submit the community wise break up of the vacancies of MTS cadre communicated in this office letter dated 14-08-2018 referred to above, to this office immediately.

3. Eligibility Criteria:

The age limit for the GDS candidates shall be 50 years as on the I st day of April of the year of the vacancy, in this case, 01.04.2018 (relaxable for SC/ST candidates up to 5 years and OBC candidates up to 3 years). The age concession for SC/STIOBC candidates is applicable only against respective reserved quota of vacancies. The GDS candidates who joined in the service on or after 01-04-2018 would not be permitted to appear in the MTS Recruitment Examination 2018.

4. Pattern & Syllabus for the examination:

In accordance with the instructions contained in Directorate letter No. 45- 14/2012-SP8-f dated 17-01-2014, the revised pattern and syllabus for the examination is furnished below:

I. Candidates shall be subjected to an Aptitude Test covering the following


Total Marks-l00

Revised Pattern & Syllabus

Ill. One blank page will be kept at the end of Question Paper Booklet for . rough work by the candidate.


In accordance with Dte. Letter No. 4S-14(i)/2012-SPB-I dated 31-07-2012 for Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) the terms and conditions regarding qualifying marks IS furnished below :-
a. Parts A and B – Minimum 10 marks for OC, 8 marks for SC/ST and 9 marks for OBC candidates in each part.
b. Parts C (Two segments)- Minimum 10 marks for OC, 8 marks for SC/ST and 9 marks for OBC candidates in each segment.
c. 40% marks for OC, 33% marks for SC/ST and 37% marks for OBC candidates in aggregate.

5. Venue of Examination:

The examination will be held at Kolkata centre (for candidates of Kolkata Region, M & BD Region, South Bengal Region , HQ Jurisdiction except A&N Islands), Siliguri centre (for candidates of North Bengal Region) , Port Blair Center ( for A&N Islands ) & Gangtok ( for Sikkim State) .

Download Notification