Wednesday, 28 September 2016


1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi - 110001


The Federal Secretariat meeting of NFPE was held at New Delhi on 27.09.2016 under the presidentship of Com. Giriraj Singh, President, NFPE. Representatives of all affiliated organisations attended the meeting. Com. M. Krishnan, Ex-Secretary General & Secretary General, Confederation also attended and guided the iscussion and decisions. Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE reported the non-grant of enhanced bonus to GDS and the efforts made by NFPE leadership to settle the issue. He also reported the non-settlement of payment of arrears to casual Labourers inspite of orders issued by Directorate. Com. Parashar, reported the details discussion he had with Shri. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General FNPO and placed the following proposal of PJCA before the Secretariat meeting.

1.      Phase programme of action culminating in two days nation wide strike on 9th & 10th November 2016 exclusively on the bonus demand of GDS and revision of wages of casual labourers.

2.      The Secretariat after detailed discussion decided to implement the decision of PJCA. Accordingly the Federatl Secretariat calls upon all Branch/Divisional/Circle Secretaries of NFPE affiliated Unions/Associations and also AIPEU-GDS to make the agitational programmes and two days strike cent percent success. (NJCA Circular published separately)

Before commencement of the meeting, the National Secretariat paid respectful homage to Late Com. Des Raj Sharma, Ex-General Secretary, P-IV CHQ & Ex-Deputy Secretary General, NFPE. The Secretary General and all other participants mentioned about the unforgettable contributions made by Com. Des Raj Sharma and also his sufferings for strengthening P-4 Union, NFPE and Confederation. The National Secretariat expressed it heart-felt condolences and offered two minutes silence.


Secretary General reported the communication received from the Department regarding constituition of Departmental Anomaly Committee. The following will represent NFPE in the Committee against the 5 seats allotted to NFPE. Com. R. N. Parashar (SG & GS – P3), Com. Giriraj Singh (GS-R3) Com. R. Seethalakshmi (GS-P4), Com. P. Suresh (GS-R4) Com. Pranab Bhattacharjee (Admin Union).

It is decided that all General Secretaries should submit the items to be included in the agenda of the Anomaly Committee to Com. Giriraj Singh, Secretary, JCM (DC) staff side on or before 15.10.2016. Branch/Divisional/Circle Secretaries should submit the items to their respective General Secretaries before 12.10.2016.


Chairman GDS committee has invited NFPE for final interaction before finalizing the recommendations. Accordingly, Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE and Com. P. Panduranga Rao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS, shall attend the meeting on 7th October 2016.

Fraternally yours,

(R. N. Parshar)
Secretary General

Minimum wage and fitment formula for Central Government Employees


                 The 7th CPC while calculating the minimum wage of Central Government Employees has arrived at Rs 18,000/- the 7th CPC has erred in prescribing  provision to cover education, recreation, ceremonies, festivals and medical expenses has been moderated to 15 percent  against the provision of 25% . Supreme Court’s ruling in the Raptakos Brett Vs Workmen case of 1991 , the Hon’ble Supreme Court delivered a historic judgement and directed that children’s education, medical requirement, minimum recreation including festivals/ceremonies, provision for old age, marriage etc. should further constitute 25% of the minimum wage and be used as a guide in fixation of minimum wage.
      The Hon’ble Minister of Labour & Employment Shri Bandaru Dattatreyaji in his press statement on 24-September-2016  has stated in Understanding Minimum Wages and Bonus article as follows.
“The norms recommended by the Indian Labour Conference, in 1957, fox fixing the minimum wages are: (a) consumption units for one wage earner; (b) minimum food requirements of 2700 calories per average Indian adult; (c) clothing requirements of 72 yards per annum per family; (d) rent corresponding to the minimum area provided for under Government’s Industrial Housing Scheme; and (e) fuel, lighting and other miscellaneous items of expenditure to constitute 20% of the total minimum wage.
In 1991, the Hon’ble Supreme Court delivered a historic judgement and directed that children’s education, medical requirement, minimum recreation including festivals/ceremonies, provision for old age, marriage etc. should further constitute 25% of the minimum wage and be used as a guide in fixation of minimum wage.”
  If this provision is alone adopted should have been adopted by the 7th CPC, the minimum wage would have increased by more than 10% and worked out to Rs 20,000/-. The fitment formula will work out to 2.86. If the entire minimum wage is recalculated based on actual retail prices as on July 2015 without applying average of 12 months  and correct methodology the minimum  wage would be Rs 26,000/ and fitment formula would be around 3.5 .
The minister statement should be applied by the Government in true spirits and the minimum wage and fitment formula should be enhanced accordingly.

                                                                        Comradely yours
                                                                      General Secretary

Cabinet approves Productivity Linked Bonus ( 78 Days) to Railway Employees

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has given its approval to pay Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78 days wages to eligible non-gazetted railway employees (excluding RPF/RPSF personnel) for the financial year 2015-16. The approval entails a financial implication of approximately Rs.2090.96 crore.
Payment of PLB would result in motivating a large number of railway employees to improve the performance of the Railways and enhance the productivity levels further besides maintaining industrial peace.

The payment of this Bonus to eligible Railway Employees will be made before Dussehra/Puja holidays.