Tuesday, 27 September 2016

7th Pay Commission: Fatter Allowances Report May Be Delayed By A Week

New Delhi: The submission of report on fatter allowances is likely to be delayed by a week, primarily because Uri terror attack on an army base in Jammu and Kashmir and partly BJP national executive meet held in the Kerala city of Kozhikode.
The committee on allowances is likely to call on Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in this week.
The committee on allowances is likely to call on Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in this week.
However, Congress criticised BJP’s Kozhikode event after the September 18 terror attack at Uri.
“The report of the committee on allowances, headed by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa was to submit last week but the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley was too busy with political agenda for the both incidents that so fatter allowances was not prioritised,” sources in Finance Ministry familiar with the matter said today morning asking not be named.
“The committee on allowances is ready to submit its report even two months in advance, when the Finance minister calls up, the committee will submit its report.
The committee is likely to call on Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in this week, if the political situation returns to normal,” sources added.
The 7th pay commission had recommended abolition of 51 allowances and subsuming 37 others out of 196 allowances, recommendation is radical in nature and the central government employees’ unions did not want to approve the 7th Pay Commission recommendations on allowances without examining them further.
Accordingly, the government has decided that the recommendations on allowances, other than dearness allowance, will be examined by a committee on allowances, when the Union Cabinet cleared the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission in respect of the hike in basic pay and pension on June 29.
The committee on allowances, already met with employees unions leaders on August 4 and September 1 respectively and the committee prepared its report, the central government employees’ unions leaders said.
The matters relating to pay and pension as decided by the government have been implemented with effect from January one this year.
However, the pay commission resolution issued on July 25 said, “till a final decision on allowances is taken based on the recommendations of this Committee, all allowances will continue to be paid at existing rates in existing pay structure, as if the pay had not been revised with effect from January 1, 2016

Recruitrnent of casualworkers and persons on daily wages

Counting of the period of induction training for benefit of promotion under the TBOP/BCR schemes - Clarifications


[D.G Posts letter No. 22-6/2000-PE.I dated 17.5.2000]
37. Regarding counting of the period of induction training for benefit of promotion under the TBOP/BCR Schemes :- The issue regarding counting of the period of induction training spent by the employees of this Department for the benefit of promotion under the TBOP/BCR schemes has been under consideration of this office for some time. After consultation with the Department of Personnel and Training, it has now been decided that the period of induction training may also be counted for the benefit of promotion under the above schemes. However, past cases decided otherwise would not be covered by the above orders. This issue with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Advice vide their Diary No. 378/FA/2000 dated 25.7.2000.

[D.G Posts letter No. 44-47/98-SPB.II dated 3.8.2000]
38. Counting of the period of induction training for benefit of promotion under the TBOP/BCR schemes-clarifications:-(1) I am directed to refer to this Department's letter of even number dated 3.8.2000 [Para 37] on the above subject. References have been received from many Circles seeking clarifications on the above orders. The matter has been examined in detail in consultation with the Integrated Finance Wing of this Department and the position is clarified as under.

(2) This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Diary No. 320/FA/2001 dated 17.7.2001.

         Points raised
(1) What will be the date of effect of the above order,
The cases decided prior to 3.8.2000 would not be covered by the order dated 3.8.2000. 
(2) Whether the departmental candidates will also get the benefit of counting of induction training period prior to their promotion as Time scale clerks for the  benefit of promotion under  benefit of promotion under  TBOP/BCR ?                                                                                           
DO P&T has clarified that since the period of induction training is counted for the purpose of increments and qualifying       service for departmental examination, it would also count for the purpose of promotion under the TBOP/BCR schemes.
Therefore, it is clarified that the period of induction training in respect of departmental candidates would also count for the purpose of promotions under TBOP/BCR schemes provided that such training period is obligatory for the departmental candidates in respect of the cadre to which they are to be promoted and they are to be promoted immediately on completion of such induction training period and also such         training period is counted for increment in the promoted cadre.
(3) If the junior officials get               promoted earlier than the   seniors as per the orders   dated 3.8.2000, whether the   seniors can claim benefit of       promotion under the above scheme from the date of promotion of the junior officials? 
As per letter No. 22-6/2000-PE.I dated 17.5.2000, officials would be promoted under the TBOP/BCR schemes only after completion of qualifying service. Therefore, the question of senior claiming benefit with reference to the juniors etc. does not arise.