Monday, 17 October 2016
7th Pay Commission: Fatter Allowances Report This Week “Surely”
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The fatter allowances report will be surely submitted to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in this week. |
New Delhi: All the central government employees will get reason to smile soon. Reportedly, much awaited fatter allowances report under the 7th Pay Commission recommendations will be submitted to Finance Ministry this week itself. If sources in Finance Ministry are to be believed then the report will be surely submitted to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in this week.
The fatter allowances is scheduled to be implemented from August 2016 with the hike in basic pay of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations. But the pay commission headed by Justice A K Mathur had recommended abolition of 51 allowances and subsuming 37 others out of 196 allowances. so, there was resentment among employees over suggestions to scrap some allowances.The sources revealed that the quantum of allowances may not vary from those recommended by the 7th Pay Commission. The committee on allowances sticks with the 7th Pay Commission’s recommendations on allowances.
Hence, the government had set up a ‘Committee on Allowances’ under the chairmanship Finance Secretary on July 22 for examination of the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission on allowances other than dearness allowance and asked to submit its report with in four months.
However, the committee is ready to submit its report even two months in advance as Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa recently said, “A committee headed by me is currently examining the Pay Commission’s recommendations on allowances and it will submit its report soon.”
As part of the exercise, the committee held discussions with various stakeholders, including organisations, federations, groups representing civil employees as well as Defence services, sources added.
“The cabinet is likely to approve the proposal of committee on allowances and the higher allowances will be implemented with retrospective effect from August 2016 but the central government employees unions demanded for implementation of the allowances with retrospective effect from January 2016,” the sources confirmed.
“Moreover, arrears for higher allowances will be paid from August,” the source assured.
The 4.8 million central government employees and 5.2 million pensioners got theirs arrears of basic pay and pension arising from implementation of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations in one go in August salaries and pension respectively. The hike in basic pay and pension has been made effective from January 1, 2016.

Dated – 15.10.2016
Com Shiva
Gopal Mishra
Staff Side, NC/JCM
Ferozeshah Road,
New Delhi
We have seen the items already sent to the Govt for discussion in the Standing
Committee of Meeting which include
JCM function 2. Compassionate Appointment 3.Non implementation
of decisions taken at 46thMeeting of the National Council 4.
Reduction of one day PLB in defence establishment, 5. LTC-relaxation of air
travel, 6. HRA for those who vacated govt quarters, 7. Restoring interest free
advances, 8. Entry pay for promotees, 9. Grant of 3rd MACP, 10.
Dental treatment, 11.Income criteria for dependants, 12. Re-imbursement of
actual medical expenses, 13. Carry forward of Earned Leave
We send
herewith the following items for inclusion in the agenda we shall be grateful
if the same is forwarded to the official side urgently.
you in anticipation,
1. Amendment
to the definition of anomaly as notified by Government in the orders of
constitution of anomaly committees at various level.
DOPT&T has notified the definition of anomaly arising from the 7th CPC
recommendation vide their OM No. 11/2/2016-JCA dated 16th August
2016 as under:
Definition of Anomaly
will include the following cases
(a) Where the Official Side
and the Staff Side are of the opinion that any recommendation is in contravention
of the principle of the policy enunciated by the 7th Central
Pay Commission itself without the Commission assigning any reason, and
(b) Where the maximum of the
Level in the Pay Matrix corresponding to the applicable Grade Pay in the Band
Band under the pre-revised structure as notified vide CCS (RP) Rules 2016 is
less than the amount an employee is entitled to be fixed at as per the formula
for fixation of pay contained in the said Rules”
Anomaly normally arises due to the recommendation of the Pay Commission having
been acted upon without going into the ramification of such action on similarly
placed employees in various other organisations.
In this
connection, we may refer to the OM No. 19/97-JCA, DOP&T, dated the February
6, 1998 where the anomaly was defined as under, on reaching an agreement
between the Staff Side and the Group of Ministers on 11.9.1997.
Definition of Anomaly
Anomaly will include the following cases:
(a) Where the Official Side
and the Staff Side are of the opinion that the vertical/horizontal relativities
have been disturbed as a result of the Fifth Central Pay Commission Report in a
manner leading to grave dissatisfaction and adverse impact on efficiency;
(b) Where the Official Side
and the Staff Side are of the opinion that any recommendation is in
contravention of the principle of the policy enunciated by the 7th Central
Pay Commission itself without the Commission assigning any reason, and
(c) Where the
maximum of the Level in the Pay Matrix corresponding to the applicable Grade
Pay in the Band Band under the pre-revised structure as notified vide CCS (RP)
Rules 2016 is less than the amount an employee is entitled to be fixed at as
per the formula for fixation of pay contained in the said Rule
(d) Where the amount of
revised allowance is less than the existing rate”.
request that the definition of anomaly may be replaced with what is stated in
the OM dated February 6, 1998.
2. Withdraw
the stringent conditions unilaterally imposed by Government for grant of
Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) promotion and grant MACP on
promotional hierarchy. Personnel promoted on the basis of examination should be
treated as fresh entrant to the cadre for grant of MACP. The pre-appointment
induction training period may be counted as regular service for grant of MACP
as it is counted for increment.
It was in
the background of extreme stagnation, especially in the lower cadres, the 5th CPC
was approached for a promotional scheme which must not be linked with vacancies
but on time bound basis. The 5th CPC in appreciation of the
genuine aspirations of the low paid employees as also taking into account the
practice followed in Government services of cetain State Govts introduced the
ACP scheme assuring minimum two financial upgradations (promotions) in the
service career of a person. The ACP, as is known when granted, does not make
the incumbent to function in a post with higher responsibility but continue to
be in same cadre/grade but with higher remuneration.
The 6th CPC
did not make any great deviation of the scheme. But the Govt., acceding to the
demand of the Staff Side, improved the 2 time-bound promotions as 3 promotions
under the MACP scheme. However, while issuing the orders the scheme was made
applicable, unlike ACP, only Grade Pay based financial upgradation as
recommended by the 6th CPC. Between 2006-11, the Staff Side had
pointed out on innumerable occasions, the anomalies the said decision created
and having obtained no redressal the employees were driven to courts, whose
decisions were not allowed to be given effect to.
The 7th CPC
recommendations gave the impression that it has appreciated the concern of
Staff Side and had suggested for a cadre hierarchy based MACP scheme. The order
issued by the DOPT on 27.9.2016 belies that in as much as it is stated in Para
3.2 as under:
MACPS envisages merely placement in the immediate next higher level in the Pay
Matrix as given in Part A of Schedule of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.
Thus the level in the Pay Matrix at the time of financial upgradation under the
MACPS can, in certain cases where regular promotion is not between two
successive levels in the Pay Matrix, be different than what is available at the
time of regular promotion. In such cases, the higher level in the Pay Matrix
attached to the next promotion post in the hierarchy of the convened
cadre/organisation will be given only at the time of regular promotion”.
the Govt. has accepted the recommendation of 7th CPC in Para
5.1.45 making Bench-mark of ‘very good’ as the primary criterion for MACP.
request that the order making MACP level bases hierarchy instead of cadre based
hierarchy must be rescinded as the changed scheme has been less beneficial to
large number of employees compared to ACP and it has given rise to anomalies in
Pay between two schemes of employees in the same cadre.
the stipulation of Benchmark “Very Good” for MACP is untenable and the MACP is
only financial upgradation and does not devolve any additional responsibility
and the individual concerned continues to function in the same grade and cadre
even after grant of MACP. It may also be noted that “Very Good” is not a bench
mark even today for promotion in Gr B and C cadres.
When the
intention is only financial upgradation in view of the long number of years one
has put in, the stipulation of Bench March “Very Good” is wrong and deserves to
be withdrawn.
Two other
issues requiring consideration and acceptable are:
(1) The personnel promoted to
a cadre bases on examination must be treated as new direct entrant to that
cadre and MACP to be related with the date of entry to that cadre;
(2) The pre-appointment
induction training period is to be counted as regular service period for the
purpose of MACP.
3. Removal
of ambiguity in fixation of pay of re-employed Ex-Servicemen and grant of the
same benefit extended to Commissioned officers to personnel Below officers Rank
The pay
fixation of re-employed Ex-Service men who held the rank below commissioned
officers/Group A at the time of their re-employment is not carried out in many
departments as per Government orders on the subject issued from time to time
due to misinterpretation/wrong clarification by the administrative authorities.
The re-employed Ex-service men personnel below the officers Rank are being
deprived the minimum pay of the post from which they are retired from Army,
instead their pay is fixed at the minimum of the re-employed post only, whereas
those who retired as commissioned officers/Group A is extended differential
treatment and their pay is fixed at a higher stage due to their past service
benefit. Fresh orders/amendments be issued free from any scope for
misinterpretation/ambiguity, clearly mentioning the fixation of pay of the
re-employed Ex-Service men belonging to below officer rank, at the same stage
as the last pay drawn before retirement from army, ignoring the entire portion
of pension since the pension is minuscule and not even enough to lead a decent
4. Permission
to opt for pay fixation in the Revised pay structure on a date after the date
of issue of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 notification (25.07.2016) in case of employees
whose promotion become due after 25.07.2006.
As per
the clarification issued by Department of Expenditure (Implementation cell) on
29th September 2016, in case and employee is promoted or
upgraded to the higher pay structure (in the pre-revised pay structure) he may
be permitted to exercise revised option as per FR 22 (i) (a) (i) to have his
pay fixed under the Revised Pay Rules 2016, from the date of such
promotion/upgradation or from the date of next increment. As per this rule and
employee who is promoted/upgraded on 24.07.2016 (one day before the date of
issue of notification) can opt for fixation of his revised pay on the date of
next increment which falls on 01.07.2017. This facility is available only for those
employees who are promoted before 25.07.2016 (date of notification of CCS (RP)
Rules 2016). If an employee is due for promotion on 26.07.2016 (one day after
the date of notification) he cannot opt to fix his revised pay under the CCS
(RP) Rules 2016 on the date of next increment i.e. 01.07.2017. This is a clear
case of discrimination and amounts to creation of a class within a class. Hence
the option for fixation of pay under CCS (RP) Rules 2016 from the date of next
increment, may be extended to the employees who are due for promotion after the
date of issue of notification i.e. 25.07.2016 also.
5. Extension
of the benefit of bonus calculation ceiling enhancement to Rs. 7000/- to Gramin
Dak Sevaks (GDS) of the Postal department also.
The above
benefit is yet to be granted to the GraminDakSevaks for want of approval of the
Finance Ministry. The GDS Committee constituted to revise the wages and service
conditions of GDS has already recommended to grant enhanced ceiling of Rs.
7,000/- to GDS also and their suggestion is pending with the Govt. for action.
We request that orders enhancing the ceiling limit to RS 7,000/- may be issued
6. Regularise
the services of casual labourers by absorbing them against vacant posts of MTS
as one time measure.
and contingent workers were engaged by various Departments to cope up the
regular work especially in the period when the Ban on Recruitment/creation of
posts was in operation. Such appointments had become necessary to ensure that
the work does not suffer and the public at large are not put to difficulties.
There had been despite the directive issued by DOPT in the past banning such
engagement of casual labour. Over the years their number has increased
manifold. These employees have put in several years of service. The omnibus
order banning he recruitment does not spell out as to how the work assigned
especially in operational and public dealing departments are to be carried out.
Presently due to either delay on the part of the recruiting agency or for such
unforeseen reasons in various departments, MTS posts are lying vacant and
contract workers are engaged. The case of those who were employed against
vacancies of permanent and perennial nature of jobs for regularization cannot
be denied except in violation of the existing labour laws or on unethical
ground. To address this, the DOPT must draw up a scheme for regularization of
eligible candidates in Government service as a onetime measure.
7. Fill up
all vacant posts including promotional posts in a time bound manner
of lifting of ban on filling up of vacant posts from 2010 onwards, in many
departments posts are not being filled and an undeclared ban is in existence.
The 7th CPC has stated that there are about six lakhs vacant
posts in central services. Non-filling up of vacant posts has adversely
affected the efficiency of many departments. Further many promotions posts are
lying vacant due to abnormal delay in convening DPCs. Strict instructions may
be issued to all departments to initiate action to fill up all vacant posts on
top priority basis and also to convene the DPCs regularly for granting
promotion to eligible officials.
8. Abolish
and upgrade all posts of Lower Division clerks (LDCs) to Upper Division Clerks
The cadre
of Lower Division Clerks in Govt of India service has now become redundant as
many of the jobs assigned to them are part of the duty list of MTS and the rest
is also assigned to UDCs. The abolition of Gr. D cadres and introduction of MTS
with certain clerical functions and computerised functioning in all
organisations of GOI have made the cadre presently superfluous. As pointed out,
the UDCs whose educational qualification is Graduation has overlapping
functions of LDCs. Major Deptt. of the Govt of India recognising this fact has
reduced the cadre strength of LDCs. We therefore request that the existing No.
of LDC posts in Government may be upgraded as one time measure as UDCs and the
posts of LDCs totally abolished.
Shri D. K.
Secretary (JCA)
Ministry of
Personnel PG and Pension
of Personnel & Training
North Block,
New Delhi – 110001
- Agenda items for meeting of the JCM (NC) Standing Committee
- Your letter No. F. No. 3/3/2019-JCA-I dated
27.09.2016 addressed to Secretary, Staff Side
I forward herewith 8 additional items for inclusion in the agenda for the
Standing Committee meeting slated for 25th October 2016.
Thanking you,
(Shiva Gopal
Staff Side
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