However, pensioners will benefit substantially as earlier they did not get any standard deduction or any of the other allowances given to salaried employees. They would save tax payable on this entire amount of deduction but of course have to pay the increased cess on the balance income.
Currently, medical bills of up to Rs 15000 were reimbursable to employees tax free per financial year by employers. A tax-exempt transport allowance of Rs 19200 per financial year was also allowed to be paid to employees.
Standard deduction is essentially a flat amount subtracted from the salary income before calculation of taxable income. The standard deduction was a part of the Income-tax Act until former finance minister, P. Chidambaram, withdrew it in the Union budget of 2005-06. Standard deduction allowed the salaried class to take care of expenses that didn't come under the purview of the income tax rules.
The standard deduction that was allowed was equivalent to Rs 30,000 or 40% of the income, whichever was lower, for salaried employees earning an annual income between Rs 75,000 and Rs 5 lakh. There was also a limit set for standard deduction at Rs 20,000 for those earning more than Rs 5 lakh.
The simplicity of calculation of standard deduction was its main advantage. It was given as a straight deduction from the income chargeable under the head salary. It did not require any disclosures, investment proofs or bills.
It had put the salaried tax payers at par with the consultants, self-employed and freelancers who are allowed to take deductions on expenses incurred for earning that income.
The removal of standard deduction from the tax structure basically meant that the salaried class paid the tax on 'Gross Income', while consultants, self-employed and freelancers paid income tax on their 'Net Income'.
For taxable salary income of Rs 5 lakh

For taxable salary income of Rs 25 lakh

For taxable salary income of Rs 65 lakh

For taxable salary income of Rs 1.2 crore