Tuesday, 15 November 2016



2151/1, New Patel Road, Shadipur, Dada Ghosh Bhavan, New Delhi-110 008.

All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries, NFPE
All CHQ office bearers of NFPE & affiliated Unions/Associations

Respected Sir,

This representation is submitted with the most fervent hope that your goodself will be kind enough to intervene on our behalf and favourable action will be taken to redress our grievances.

About 36000 employees, called as Casual labour, Part-time Casual labour, Part-time Contingent employee, daily rated mazdoors, substitutes etc. are working in the Department of Posts. Majority of us are part-time contingent employees. Govt. of India, Department of Posts had clarified that all the above mentioned categories, though called by different names, belong to the common category called casual labourers and they may be called as "full time casual labourer" and "Part-time casual labourers". Later on as per the Supreme Court verdict Temporary status of Group-D was conferred on full-time casual labourers subject to fulfilment of certain conditions. Thus as on date there are three categories of casual labourers working in the Postal Department. They are (a) Temporary status Casal Labourer (b) Full time Casual Labourer and (c) Part-time Casual Labourers. We, the undersigned, belong to the above three categories. The following are our genuine grievances.


Eventhough, most of us are working as Casual Labourers for years together, Department of Posts has not worked out any scheme for our regularisation. The Temporary status Rules framed as per the Supreme Court orders is not in force now. Hence we are compelled to continue as Casual Labourers and there is no hope for regularisation. We request that action may be taken for working out a scheme for regularisation of all existing Temporary status, Full time and Part time Casual labourers as a one time measure.


(a) Eventhough the Postal Board has issued orders in January 2015 for payment of revised wages from 01-01-2006 at minimum of the 6th CPC rates, and also clarified all the queries raised by the lower units regarding eligibility of officials for fixation of revised wages from 01-01-2006, we are sorry to state that in many of the Postal Circles (states) and Divisions the orders are yet to be implemented. We have brought it to the notice of the Postal Directorate and concerned Chief Postmaster Generals, several times. But no improvement has taken place and we have been denied our legitimate right for revised wages and arrears from 01-01-2006. We pray your goodself to take immediate action for implementation of Postal Directorate orders in all Circles and Divisions and arrears may be paid at an early date.

(b) Now that, Government has already issued orders revising the pay and allowances of regular employees from 01-01-2016, consequent on implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission recommendations, our wages are also to be revised from 01-01-2016. After implementation of 6th CPC our wages was revised after 9 (nine) years in 2015. At least this time such a situation may be avoided and action may be taken to revise our wages from 01-01-2016, consequent on implementation of 7th CPC Report.


Eventhough Department of Posts has issued orders on 17-06-2016 clarifying that those engaged on daily basis (Daily Rated Mazdoors) are also casual labourers, the lower authorities are denying wage revision and payment of arrears to Daily Rated Mazdoors on the plea that they are not casual labourers. We request you to issue strict directions to all authorities to grant revised wages and arrears to Daily Rated Mazdoors also at par with other casual labourers.


Department of Posts has issued clear orders to give first preference to Casual labourers while selecting candidates for filling up of vacant posts of Gramin Dak Sevaks. Orders were also issued to notify the Gramin Dak Sevak's vacant posts among casual labourers and willingness is to be obtained. If only eligible casual labourers are not available, then the posts are to be notified for open quota recruitment. Inspite of these unambiguous orders of the Directorate, the orders are not being implemented in Postal Circles. All GDS vacancies are being notified for open quota recruitment, without offering it first to casual labourers. We request you to issue strict instructions to all units to offer the GDS vacancies to casual labourers first as per Directorate orders.

Further the condition that only those working as casual labourer prior to 1993 be considered against GDS vacancies and insisting minimum qualification of matriculation may be relaxed in the case of existing casual labourers.


At present the authorities are not granting paid weekly off to casual labourers in most of the offices. Action may be taken for grant of paid weekly off and paid holidays to all full time and part-time casual labourers.


It is requested that all the Part time casual labourers may be absorbed as Gramin Dak Sevaks in the Department of Post as a one-time measure, by creating the required number of GDS posts on supernumerary basis as a one time measure.


It is requested that all Temporary status Casual Labourers and Full-time Casual labourers may be absorbed against Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) posts in the Department of Posts by creating supernumerary posts, without disturbing the existing allotment of 75% MTS vacancies reserved for Gramin Dak Sevaks.


At present, the authorities are not issuing appointment orders to casual labourers and they are compelled to work without any record to prove their service. It is requested that appointment orders may be issued to those casual labourers who are working continuously.

Income Tax 2016-17 (A.Year 2017-18) Rate, Exemptions, Deductions and Rebate for Salaried Employees under Section 10, Section 24, Section 89(1), Chapter VIA, and Section 87A

Income Tax 2016-17 (A.Year 2017-18) Rate, Exemptions, Deductions and Rebate for Salaried Employees under Section 10, Section 24, Section 89(1), Chapter VIA, and Section 87A

Income Tax Rate 2016-17

Up to RS.2,50,000NIL
Rs.2,50,001 to Rs.5,00,00010% of the amount by which the income exceeds Rs.2,50,000
Rs.5,00,001 to Rs.10,00,000Rs.25,000 plus 20% of the amount by which the income exceeds Rs.5,00,000
Above Rs.10,00,001Rs.1,25,000 plus 30% of the amount by which the income exceeds Rs.10,00,000
 Education Cess
3% on Total Income Tax Payble

Section 10 (13A) - Exemption in respect of HRA:

Under Sec. 10(13A), an employee who is in receipt of House Rent Allowance (HRA) can claim exemption, if he does not live in his own house, and pays rent in excess of 10% of his salary for his residential accommodation.
Exemption u/s 10(13A) is the least of the following

  1. Actual amount of HRA received
  2. 50% (for Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi) / 40% (for other places) of the Salary for the relevant period
  3. Rent paid Less 10% of Salary for the relevant period.

Section 87A - Rebate of Income Tax for Taxable income up to Rs. 5 Lakh 

Finance Act 2016 provides for rebate of Income up to Rs. 5000/- in respect of Persons who have Taxable not exceeding Rs. 5 lakh.

Section 10(14) - Transport Allowance and Children Education Allowance (CEA)

Under Section 10(14), the Budget FY 2016-17 lets you claim Rs. 19,200 tax exemption as transport allowance and Rs. 2,400 tax exemption as Children Education Allowance (CEA) in a financial year.

Section 24(b) - Home Loan

If you have taken a Home Loan, then you can claim a tax deduction on the interest component of the loan under Section 24(b). For self-occupied properties, you can benefit from deductions of up to Rs. 2,00,000.

Section 89(1) - Income Tax relief in respect of Arrears of Salary pertaining to previous years

If arrears of salary has been received in Financial year 2016-17 related to previous years then Relief of Income Tax can be claimed u/s 89(1) by accounting income from arrears in respective years on notional basis.

Deductions allowed under Chapter VI A of Income Tax Act

Deduction Limit - Sec 80CCE. As per Section 80CCE, deduction can be claimed upto Rs. 1,50,000 for the payments / contributions made under Sections 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD

Section 80C - Subject to overall limit of Rs. 1,50,000 under Section 80CCE

For investments in specified schemes, saving instruments etc.

  1. Life insurance premium for policy:a) in case of individual, on life of assessee, assessee’s spouse and any child of assessee b) in case of HUF, on life of any member of the HUF
  2. Sum paid under a contract for a deferred annuity:a) in case of individual, on life of the individual, individual’s spouse and any child of the individual (however, contract should not contain an option to receive cash payment in lieu of annuity) b) in case of HUF, on life of any member of the HU
  3. Sum deducted from salary payable to Government servant for securing deferred annuity or making provision for his wife/children [qualifying amount limited to 20% of salary]
  4. Contributions by an individual made under Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme
  5. Contribution to Public Provident Fund Account in the name of:a) in case of individual, such individual or his spouse or any child of such individual b) in case of HUF, in the name of any member there of
  6. Contribution by an employee to a recognized provident fund
  7. Contribution by an employee to an approved superannuation fund
  8. Subscription to any notified security or notified deposit scheme of the Central Government.For this purpose, Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme has been notified vide Notification No. 9/2015, dated 21/1/2015. Any sum deposited during the year in Sukanya Samriddhi Account by an individual would be eligible for deduction. Amount can be deposited by an individual in the name of her girl child or any girl child for whom such an individual is the legal guardian.
  9. Subscription to notified savings certificates [National Savings Certificates (VIII Issue)]
  10. Contribution for participation in unit-linked Insurance Plan of UTI:a) in case of an individual, in the name of the individual, his spouse or any child of such individual b) in case of a HUF, in the name of any member thereof
  11. Contribution to notified unit-linked insurance plan of LIC Mutual Fund:a) in the case of an individual, in the name of the individual, his spouse or any child of such individual b) in the case of a HUF, in the name of any member thereof
  12. Subscription to notified deposit scheme or notified pension fund set up by National Housing Bank [Home Loan Account Scheme/National Housing Banks (Tax Saving) Term Deposit Scheme, 2008]
  13. Tuition fees (excluding development fees, donations, etc.) paid by an individual to any university, college, school or other educational institution situated in India, for full time education of any 2 of his/her children
  14. Certain payments for purchase/construction of residential house property
  15. Subscription to notified schemes of (a) public sector companies engaged in providing long-term finance for purchase/construction of houses in India for residential purposes/(b) authority constituted under any law for satisfying need for housing accommodation or for planning, development or improvement of cities, towns and villages, or for both
  16. Sum paid towards notified annuity plan of LIC or other insurer
  17. Subscription to any units of any notified [u/s 10(23D)] Mutual Fund or the UTI (Equity Linked Saving Scheme, 2005)
  18. Contribution by an individual to any pension fund set up by any mutual fund which is referred to in section 10(23D) or by the UTI (UTI Retirement Benefit Pension Fund)
  19. Subscription to equity shares or debentures forming part of any approved eligible issue of capital made by a public company or public financial institutions
  20. Subscription to any units of any approved mutual fund referred to in section 10(23D), provided amount of subscription to such units is subscribed only in ‘eligible issue of capital’ referred to above. 21. Term deposits for a fixed period of not less than 5 years with a scheduled bank, and which is in accordance with a scheme framed and notified.
  21. Subscription to notified bonds issued by the NABARD.
  22. Deposit in an account under the Senior Citizen Savings Scheme Rules, 2004 (subject to certain conditions)
  23. 5-year term deposit in an account under the Post Office Time Deposit Rules, 1981 (subject to certain conditions)

Section 80CCC - Subject to overall limit of Rs. 1,50,000 under Section 80CCE

Contribution to certain specified Pension Funds such as LIC or other authorised Insurance Companies

Section 80CCD(1) - Subject to overall limit of Rs. 1,50,000 under Section 80CCE

Deduction in respect of contributions to National Pension Scheme / System (NPS) notified by Central Government
Limit : 10% of salary in case of employees, 10% of gross total income in case of others

Section 80CCD(1B)

Deduction in respect of the deposit under a pension scheme notified by Central Government (NPS) up to Rs. 50,000/-

Section 80CCD(2)

Deduction in respect of employer contributions to NPS - National Pension Scheme / System - This deduction is available over and above the Rs. 1.5 lakh limit

Section 80 CCG

Amount invested in listed shares covered by Rajiv Gandhi Equity Equity Saving Scheme. Deduction of 50% of total investment subject to maximum of Rs. 25,000 is allowed for 3 consecutive assessment years, beginning with the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which the listed shares or list units of equity oriented funds are first acquired
Section 80D

Amount invested in Health Insurance

In case of Individual, amount paid: a) For self, spouse and dependent children: Up to Rs. 25,000 (Rs. 30,000 if specified person is a senior citizen or very senior citizen) b) For parents: additional deduction of Rs. 25,000 shall be allowed (Rs. 30,000 if parent is a senior citizen or very super senior citizen) In case of HUF, up to Rs. 25,000 (Rs. 30,000 if specified person is a senior citizen or very senior citizen).
The aggregate amount of deduction cannot exceed Rs. 60,000/- in case of an individual.

Section 80DD

Expenditure incurred for the medical treatment of a dependent (spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters of the individual) up to Rs. 75,000 (Rs. 1,25,000 in case of severe disability)

Section 80DDB

Expenditure incurred for medical treatment of specified diseases for self, or wholly dependent spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters up to Rs. 40,000 (Rs. 60,000 in case of senior citizen and Rs. 80,000 in case of very senior citizen)

Section 80E

Interest paid on Educational Loan with no limit

Section 80EE

Interest on loan for acquiring residential house property, sanctioned during the financial year 2016-17. The Housing Loan availed should be up to Rs. 35 lakh and should have been availed in the year 2016-17

Section 80G

Deduction in respect of donations to certain funds, charitable institutions, etc.

Section 80GG

Rent paid for residential accommodation from the income of Tax Payer / assessee who is not in receipt of HRA
Least of the following shall be exempt from tax: a) Rent paid in excess of 10% of total income*;
b) 25% of the Total Income; or
c) Rs. 5,000 per month.

Section 80 TTA

Interest on Savings Bank accounts subject to maximum of Rs. 10,000

Section 80U

Exemption of income tax for an income up Rs. 75,000 for persons with disability (Rs. 1,25,000 in case of persons with severe disability)
Source: Incometaxindia.gov.in

India Post Stands in 5th Position In Collection Of WOS Money

RBI has recently published information about the money deposited in the banks in 3 days,(amounts in crores)

Top 11 banks:
  1. SBI 53,652
  2. Central bank of India 49,644
  3. PNB 42,877
  4. HDFC 39,548
  5. INDIAPOST 36009
  6. ICICI 32,867
  7. Bank of India 29,876
  8. Bank of Baroda 25,765
  9. Axis Bank 18,768
  10. Union Bank 16,555
  11. Andhra Bank 14,321
Amount deposited in Post offices is 36,009

Our Department is doing excellent job. Salute to our staff.

7th Pay Commission MACP Pay fixation - How to fix pay of central government employees on grant of MACP (Modified Assured Career Progression) on or after 1st January 2016?

ACP Scheme which was introduced on implementation of 6th Pay Commission by revising Annual Career Progression Scheme (ACP) is continued to be effective after implementation of 7th Pay Commission with following changes.

Note for freshers
What is MACP?
This is a non-functional financial upgradation scheme meant for central government employees on completion of 10th, 20th and 30th Years of service when no promotion is granted during this period
1. The benchmark for considering the grant of MACP to Central Government Employees has been increased. Earlier the benchmark recorded in APAR (Annual Performance Appraisal Report) as "Good" will be the minimum eligibility. Now benchmark in APAR for grant of MACP after 7th Pay Commission has been revised to "Very Good".

Accordingly, MACP OM dated 19.04.2009 has been modified by OM O.M. No.F.No.35034/3/2015-Estt.(D), dated 28.09.2016 as follows

"17. For grant of financial upgradation under the MACPS, the prescribed benchmark would be 'Very Good' for all the posts."

2. MACP prior to 7th Pay Commission implementation involves placement in the next grade pay in the grade pay hierarchy and 3% increment in Basic Pay (pay in pay band and grade pay).

After implementation of 7th Pay Commission, financial upgradation under MACP is granted by providing one increment in the existing pay level and placing to equal or next higher pay in the next higher level of pay matrix.

MACP Pay fixation after 7th Pay Commission Implementation as per OM dated 28.09.2016 and Rule 13 of 7th Pay Commission (Revised) Pay Rules 2016:

Illustration 1 : MACP on 1st August 2016:(Applicable to employees granted MACP between 2nd July and 1st January )
  1. 7th Pay commission Pay of an employee is fixed as Rs. 34900 in Level 5 (as against grade pay of Rs. 2800 in 6th CPC Pay) as on 1st January 2016.
  2. As on 1st July 2016, he will be entitled to annual increment. Therefore, his pay will be fixed as Rs. 35,900/- at Level 5 Index 8.
  3. He is entitled to MACP as on 1st August 2016.
  4. In this case, financial upgradation under MACP is granted as follows.
Step 1: Existing Pay of Employee which is in Index 8 of Level 5 will be provided with MACP Increment and therefore his pay will be placed in Level 5 - Index 9, viz., in 37,000/-
Step 2. Since there is no pay in the next level (level 6) which is equal to Rs. 37,000/-, the next higher basic pay in Level 6 is Rs. 37,600/- which is at Index 3 of Level 6.

  • The relevant portion of Pay Matrix is given below.
Grade Pay240028004200
Entry Pay (EP)99101136013500

  • As per Rule 9 of 7th Pay commission Pay Rules 2016 the next date of annual increment in respect of this employee will be on 1st July 2017.

Illustration 2 : MACP on 1st March 2016:(Applicable to employees granted MACP between 2nd January and 1st July )

1. 7th Pay commission Pay of an employee is fixed as Rs. 55,200/- in Index 6 Level 8 (as against grade pay of Rs. 4800 in 6th CPC Pay) as on 1st January 2016.

2. He is entitled to MACP as on 1st March 2016.

3. As per O.M. No.F.No.35034/3/2015-Estt.(D), dated 28.09.2016, recommendations of 7th Pay Commission on MACP takes effect from 25th July 2016.

4. (i) Hence, an employee who is granted financial upgradation under MACP in the year 2016 between 2nd January to 1st July, can have his/her MACP pay fixed in 7th CPC Pay Matrix only if he/she exercise the option under FR22(I) a(1) for fixation of pay from 1st January 2017 viz., the next date of his/her annual increment.

Note: As per FR 22 (I) (a) (1), central government employees have the option, to have their pay fixed from the date of promotion / MACP or from the date of next increment

Note: As per Rule 9 of 7th Pay Commission Revised Pay Rules 2016, An employee who is granted MACPS during the period between 2nd day of January, 2016 and 1st day of July, 2016, and who did not draw any increment on 1st day of July, 2016, the next increment shall accrue on 1st day of January, 2017

(ii) If an employee who is granted MACP in the year 2016 did not opt for moving his/her MACP pay fixation from the next date of increment i.e in January 2017, under FR 22 (I) (a) (1), he / she would end up with MACP Pay Fixation in pre-revised pay (6th CPC Pay) as on 1st March 2016 by exercising the option to defer the fixation 7th Pay Commission implemented pay until 1st March 2016 under Rule 5 of 7th Pay Commission Rules 2016.

(iii) Since, MACP in 7th Pay Commission Pay matrix takes effect from 25th July 2016, Employees who are granted financial upgradation under MACP from the year 2017, between 2nd January to 1st July, can have their pay fixed without exercising the option under FR22(I) a(1).

5. In this case, the most beneficial financial upgradation under MACP will be option chosen as detailed in 4 (i) above and the same is granted as follows.

Step 1: Grant of Annual increment of employee from 1st January 2017 will precede MACP fixation. Therefore, after annual increment his pay will be fixed at Rs. 56,900/- in the Index 7 Level 8.

Step 2: Then the employee will be provided with MACP Increment and therefore his pay will be placed at Rs. 58,600/ in Index 8 Level 8.

Step 3. Since there is no pay in the next level (level 9) which is equal to Rs. 58,600/-, the next higher basic pay in Index 5 Level 9 is Rs. 59,700/-. So, on MACP fixation the pay of employee will be fixed at Rs. 59,700/-.

The relevant portion of Pay Matrix is given below.
Grade Pay460048005400
Entry Pay (EP)171401815020280
As per Rule 9 of 7th Pay commission Pay Rules 2016, The next date of annual increment in respect of this employee will be on 1st January 2018.