ACP Scheme which was introduced on implementation of 6th Pay Commission by revising Annual Career Progression Scheme (ACP) is continued to be effective after implementation of 7th Pay Commission with following changes.
Note for freshers |
What is MACP? |
This is a non-functional financial upgradation scheme meant for central government employees on completion of 10th, 20th and 30th Years of service when no promotion is granted during this period |
1. The benchmark for considering the grant of MACP to Central Government Employees has been increased. Earlier the benchmark recorded in APAR (Annual Performance Appraisal Report) as "Good" will be the minimum eligibility. Now benchmark in APAR for grant of MACP after 7th Pay Commission has been revised to "Very Good".
Accordingly, MACP OM dated 19.04.2009 has been modified by OM O.M. No.F.No.35034/3/2015-Estt.(D), dated 28.09.2016 as follows
"17. For grant of financial upgradation under the MACPS, the prescribed benchmark would be 'Very Good' for all the posts."
2. MACP prior to 7th Pay Commission implementation involves placement in the next grade pay in the grade pay hierarchy and 3% increment in Basic Pay (pay in pay band and grade pay).
After implementation of 7th Pay Commission, financial upgradation under MACP is granted by providing one increment in the existing pay level and placing to equal or next higher pay in the next higher level of pay matrix.
MACP Pay fixation after 7th Pay Commission Implementation as per OM dated 28.09.2016 and Rule 13 of 7th Pay Commission (Revised) Pay Rules 2016:
Illustration 1 : MACP on 1st August 2016:(Applicable to employees granted MACP between 2nd July and 1st January )
- 7th Pay commission Pay of an employee is fixed as Rs. 34900 in Level 5 (as against grade pay of Rs. 2800 in 6th CPC Pay) as on 1st January 2016.
- As on 1st July 2016, he will be entitled to annual increment. Therefore, his pay will be fixed as Rs. 35,900/- at Level 5 Index 8.
- He is entitled to MACP as on 1st August 2016.
- In this case, financial upgradation under MACP is granted as follows.
Step 1: Existing Pay of Employee which is in Index 8 of Level 5 will be provided with MACP Increment and therefore his pay will be placed in Level 5 - Index 9, viz., in 37,000/-
Step 2. Since there is no pay in the next level (level 6) which is equal to Rs. 37,000/-, the next higher basic pay in Level 6 is Rs. 37,600/- which is at Index 3 of Level 6.
- The relevant portion of Pay Matrix is given below.
Grade Pay | 2400 | 2800 | 4200 |
Entry Pay (EP) | 9910 | 11360 | 13500 |
Level | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Index | 2.57 | 2.57 | 2.62 |
1 | 25500 | 29200 | 35400 |
2 | 26300 | 30100 | 36500 |
3 | 27100 | 31000 | 37600 |
4 | 27900 | 31900 | 38700 |
5 | 28700 | 32900 | 39900 |
6 | 29600 | 33900 | 41100 |
7 | 30500 | 34900 | 42300 |
8 | 31400 | 35900 | 43600 |
9 | 32300 | 37000 | 44900 |
10 | 33300 | 38100 | 46200 |
- As per Rule 9 of 7th Pay commission Pay Rules 2016 the next date of annual increment in respect of this employee will be on 1st July 2017.
Illustration 2 : MACP on 1st March 2016:(Applicable to employees granted MACP between 2nd January and 1st July )
1. 7th Pay commission Pay of an employee is fixed as Rs. 55,200/- in Index 6 Level 8 (as against grade pay of Rs. 4800 in 6th CPC Pay) as on 1st January 2016.
2. He is entitled to MACP as on 1st March 2016.
3. As per O.M. No.F.No.35034/3/2015-Estt.(D), dated 28.09.2016, recommendations of 7th Pay Commission on MACP takes effect from 25th July 2016.
4. (i) Hence, an employee who is granted financial upgradation under MACP in the year 2016 between 2nd January to 1st July, can have his/her MACP pay fixed in 7th CPC Pay Matrix only if he/she exercise the option under FR22(I) a(1) for fixation of pay from 1st January 2017 viz., the next date of his/her annual increment.
Note: As per FR 22 (I) (a) (1), central government employees have the option, to have their pay fixed from the date of promotion / MACP or from the date of next increment
Note: As per Rule 9 of 7th Pay Commission Revised Pay Rules 2016, An employee who is granted MACPS during the period between 2nd day of January, 2016 and 1st day of July, 2016, and who did not draw any increment on 1st day of July, 2016, the next increment shall accrue on 1st day of January, 2017
(ii) If an employee who is granted MACP in the year 2016 did not opt for moving his/her MACP pay fixation from the next date of increment i.e in January 2017, under FR 22 (I) (a) (1), he / she would end up with MACP Pay Fixation in pre-revised pay (6th CPC Pay) as on 1st March 2016 by exercising the option to defer the fixation 7th Pay Commission implemented pay until 1st March 2016 under Rule 5 of 7th Pay Commission Rules 2016.
(iii) Since, MACP in 7th Pay Commission Pay matrix takes effect from 25th July 2016, Employees who are granted financial upgradation under MACP from the year 2017, between 2nd January to 1st July, can have their pay fixed without exercising the option under FR22(I) a(1).
5. In this case, the most beneficial financial upgradation under MACP will be option chosen as detailed in 4 (i) above and the same is granted as follows.
Step 1: Grant of Annual increment of employee from 1st January 2017 will precede MACP fixation. Therefore, after annual increment his pay will be fixed at Rs. 56,900/- in the Index 7 Level 8.
Step 2: Then the employee will be provided with MACP Increment and therefore his pay will be placed at Rs. 58,600/ in Index 8 Level 8.
Step 3. Since there is no pay in the next level (level 9) which is equal to Rs. 58,600/-, the next higher basic pay in Index 5 Level 9 is Rs. 59,700/-. So, on MACP fixation the pay of employee will be fixed at Rs. 59,700/-.
The relevant portion of Pay Matrix is given below.
(iii) Since, MACP in 7th Pay Commission Pay matrix takes effect from 25th July 2016, Employees who are granted financial upgradation under MACP from the year 2017, between 2nd January to 1st July, can have their pay fixed without exercising the option under FR22(I) a(1).
5. In this case, the most beneficial financial upgradation under MACP will be option chosen as detailed in 4 (i) above and the same is granted as follows.
Step 1: Grant of Annual increment of employee from 1st January 2017 will precede MACP fixation. Therefore, after annual increment his pay will be fixed at Rs. 56,900/- in the Index 7 Level 8.
Step 2: Then the employee will be provided with MACP Increment and therefore his pay will be placed at Rs. 58,600/ in Index 8 Level 8.
Step 3. Since there is no pay in the next level (level 9) which is equal to Rs. 58,600/-, the next higher basic pay in Index 5 Level 9 is Rs. 59,700/-. So, on MACP fixation the pay of employee will be fixed at Rs. 59,700/-.
The relevant portion of Pay Matrix is given below.
Grade Pay | 4600 | 4800 | 5400 |
Entry Pay (EP) | 17140 | 18150 | 20280 |
Level | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Index | 2.62 | 2.62 | 2.62 |
1 | 44900 | 47600 | 53100 |
2 | 46200 | 49000 | 54700 |
3 | 47600 | 50500 | 56300 |
4 | 49000 | 52000 | 58000 |
5 | 50500 | 53600 | 59700 |
6 | 52000 | 55200 | 61500 |
7 | 53600 | 56900 | 63300 |
8 | 55200 | 58600 | 65200 |
9 | 56900 | 60400 | 67200 |
10 | 58600 | 62200 | 69200 |
As per Rule 9 of 7th Pay commission Pay Rules 2016, The next date of annual increment in respect of this employee will be on 1st January 2018.