This article is about the implementation of the orders on counting of the pre induction training period for TBOP/BCR.
For those employees underwent training on or after 1.1.1986, this benefit had already been extended and after a prolonged effort this has been extended to those officials who undergone training prior to 1.1.1986 as a one- time measure.
I am happy that atleast some divisions have implemented this order but in majority of divisions this order has not been implemented. In the implemented divisions, these orders have been implemented only partially and not in full as per the letter and spirit of the orders. This article is about the implementation of this order.
Kindly refer no 44-2/2011-SPB.II of Ministry of Communications & IT, Department of Posts dated 5.5.2016.
For employees undergone training on or after 1.1.1986.
For these employees, the training period has been included for increment and hence automatically for TBOP/BCR. To cite an example, consider an official who underwent training after 1.1.1986 and joined as Postal Assistant on 1.4.1986. After including the training period of 90 days, his first increment was drawn on 31.12.1986. This is because, the period of training of 90 days were added to the date of first increment on 1.4.1987, and his increment date is advanced by 90 days i.e. on 31.12.1986. This official had drawn his subsequent increments on 1.12.88, 1.12.1989 etc. on completion of 12 months’ period from the date of previous increment, as per FR 26. It may be noted that the pay of the official was fixed notionally from 1.4.1986 upto 30.9.1990 (from date of appointment or 1.1.1986 whichever is later and no benefits was paid) and on actual basis from 1.10.1990 and consequential benefits was paid for the period from 1.10.1990. (For an official who joined on 1.4.1987, for the period from 1.4.1987 to 30.9.1990 no arrear was paid and the fixation was done notionally.)
This official was due for TBOP on 1.4.2002, after completion of 16 years’ of service, if the period of training was not included. But this official had been awarded TBOP on 31.12.2001 by counting the period of training. His date of TBOP was advanced by 90 days. The pay of the official from time to time is furnished as follows.
Period | Pay | Remarks |
01.04.1986 | 975 | PA scale. Minimum 975 |
31.12.1986 | 1000 | Training period counted. |
01.12.1987 | 1025 | Increment after 1 year from 31.12.86 |
01.12.1988 | 1050 | Notional basis. no arrear |
01.12.1989 | 1050 | Notional basis. no arrear |
30.09.1990 | 1050 | Notional basis. no arrear |
01.10.1990 | 1050 | Actual basis. Entitled for arrear. |
01.12.1990 | 1075 | Actual basis. |
31.12.2001 | TBOP fixation | Training period counted. Actual date of TBOP is 1.4.2002 but advanced by 90 days |
01.12.2002 | First increment after TBOP | 12 months after 31.12.2001 |
From the above it could be seen that since the period of induction training is counted for increment, it counts for everything.
For employees undergone training prior to 1.1.1986
The employees underwent induction training prior to 1.1.1986 were demanding for the above benefit for a pretty long period. Finally, the department issued orders to this effect. Clarifications were also issued to extend this benefit for the erstwhile RTPs even there is a break between the period of training and their actual date of appointment.
In majority of the divisions, this order has been implemented partially as follows. To cite an example, consider the official who underwent training prior to 1.1.1986. After training, this official worked as RTP and he was regularized w.e.f. 1.4.1986. This official is also entitled for the same benefit as that of the official mentioned in the previous example.
In some divisions, the date of TBOP i.e. 1.4.2002 is advanced to 31.12.2001 and the arrears for the period from 31.12.2001 to 31.3.2002 only was given. I came to understand that one such official was paid a paltry Rs.300 as arrear. The increment of this official is continued at 1.4.2003, 1.4.2004 etc. This had been done in a majority of divisions, I came to understand. Since the date of TBOP is 31.12.2001 the pay of the official would have been fixed for TBOP on that date. As per FR 26, the next increment should have been granted after 12 months from the date of fixation, i.e. 1.12.2002. The subsequent increments should have been drawn on 1.12.2002, 1.12.2003 etc. after a period of 12 months, as per FR 26. I do not know whether this had been done in any division.
Both of the above are wrong. The intention of the order is to count the training period for increment, as done for the officials undergone training on or after 1.1.1986. If this is done, then the training period will automatically count for TBOP/BCR.
Para 3 of the order No 44-2/2011-SPB.II dated 5.5.2016 categorically state the reason for non-inclusion of the training period for TBOP/BCR in these cases. The same is reproduced below for ready reference.
“It was further clarified vide the order dt 5.5.2014 that the training period in respect of direct recruits would be counted for benefit towards TBOP/BCR only if such training period were counted for increment in that scale; and that since as per DOPT’s instructions, all induction training completed before 1.1.1986 is not counted towards grant of increment, such training period would also not count towards TBOP/BCR.”
From the above it is clear that the demand is for including the training period for increment which will be automatically included for TBOP/BCR. Para 5 of the order ibid extends this benefit to those officials who underwent training prior to 1.1.1986 as a one-time measure. The same is reproduced for ready reference.
“Accordingly, a proposal regarding counting the period of induction training of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistant (both promotes and direct recruits) undertaken prior to 1.1.1986 for the purpose of qualifying service under TBOP/BCR scheme has been examined in consultation with DOPT and it has now been decided that the benefit may be extended to the direct recruits Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants only who underwent training prior to 1.1.1986, as a onetime measure.”
Any period which is not taken for grant of increment will not be counted for anything as per FR. Any period which is taken as qualifying service for the grant of increment will count for all purposes, especially for promotions. Also, no period shall be counted for a specific promotion, just like TBOP, in an isolated manner. Counting of training period for TBOP, ipso facto implies that the training period is counted for increment also.
A kind reference is invited GIO (1) below FR 26. The same is reproduced.
(1) 3. The matter has been considered in the National Council (JCM) and it has been decided that in case where a person has been selected for regular appointment and before formally taking over charge of the post for which selected person is required to undergo training, training period undergone by such a Government servant whether on remuneration or stipend or otherwise may be treated as duty for the purpose of drawing increments.
(1) 4. These orders take effect from 1st October, 1990. On the demand of the Staff side in the National Council (JCM), the matter has further been examined and it has been decided that the benefit of treatment of such training period as duty for the purpose of increment may be allowed in the case of those government servants also who had undergone such training on or after 1st January, 1986. However in such cases the benefit of counting period for pay will be admissible on notional basis from 1.4.1986 and actual basis from 1st October 1990.
(DOPT OM No 16/16/89-Estt.(pay-I) dt 22.10.1990 and OM 16/16/92-Estt.(pay-II) dt 31.3.1992)
From the above, it is very clear that the period of training should be counted first for increment and will automatically be counted for TBOP/BCR. Originally, the above orders are applicable for those underwent training after 1.1.1986 and now those officials who underwent training prior to 1.1.1986 are extended the same benefit.
The correct procedure to implement the order is as follows.
Consider the same official who joined as Postal Assistant on 1.4.1986 who underwent training prior to 1.1.1986, worked as RTP. His first increment is to be given on 31.12.1986 by counting the training period of 90 days. The subsequent increments should be given on 1.12.1987, 1.12.1988 etc. No arrear will be paid for the period from 1.4.1986 to 30.9.1990. The actual benefits will be paid from 1.10.1990 only as this benefit was extended to those officials who underwent training on or after 1.1.1986. The date of promotion under TBOP is 1.4.2002 without counting the training period. This should be advanced to 31.12.2001 and fixation is to be given for TBOP. The subsequent increments would be on 1.12.2002, 1.12.2003 etc. Similar procedure should be followed for BCR also. If the date of appointment is subsequent to 1.1.1986, the pay will be fixed notionally from the date of appointment to 30.9.1990 and on actual basis from 1.10.1990.
Some of the Postal Assistants were appointed on adhoc basis, worked for some time and then their services were terminated. Subsequently, they were again appointed as Postal Assistants. These officials are also entitled for this benefit.
I hope that this will be taken at appropriate level and necessary instructions would be issued early for the correct implementation of this order.
Article by
Postal Stores Depot,
Tirunelveli 627002
Tamilnadu circle