Salient features of the revised scheme :
- previous point system has been dispensed with & new scheme extended to missing GDS cases also.
- The scheme will come into effect from the date of issue of this letter. Applicable to pending cases also.
- Already settled cases will not be reopened.
- Scheme will not be applicable for GDS working on ad hoc / provisional basis / substitute / trainee
- "Dependent family member" categorized in to 7
- Head of the Circle will be the competent authority
- Applicant should be eligible & suitable - as per the conditions prescribed for normal regular selection.
- Scheme will not be applicable for Notified / referred to Employment Exchange / identified for surplus / redeployment cases
- Age : lower age limit - 18 years and above & upper age limit relaxation vested with the powers of HoC.
- No relaxation in the educational qualification prescribed.
- No time limit for application but within a reasonable time - cases will be considered and decided with in three months.
- Missing GDS cases : at least two years time from the date of missing. In case of missing the compassionate engagement is not be a matter of right.
- Prescribed pro forma may be used for application
- Speaking order would be issued by HoC on rejected cases.
- Undertaking in writing should be given by the selected candidate regarding the proper maintenance of the dependents.
- The power of termination of engagement on compassionate grounds are vested with HoC after selection.