Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Salient features of the revised scheme :
- previous point system has been dispensed with & new scheme extended to missing GDS cases also.
- The scheme will come into effect from the date of issue of this letter. Applicable to pending cases also.
- Already settled cases will not be reopened.
- Scheme will not be applicable for GDS working on ad hoc / provisional basis / substitute / trainee
- "Dependent family member" categorized in to 7
- Head of the Circle will be the competent authority
- Applicant should be eligible & suitable - as per the conditions prescribed for normal regular selection.
- Scheme will not be applicable for Notified / referred to Employment Exchange / identified for surplus / redeployment cases
- Age : lower age limit - 18 years and above & upper age limit relaxation vested with the powers of HoC.
- No relaxation in the educational qualification prescribed.
- No time limit for application but within a reasonable time - cases will be considered and decided with in three months.
- Missing GDS cases : at least two years time from the date of missing. In case of missing the compassionate engagement is not be a matter of right.
- Prescribed pro forma may be used for application
- Speaking order would be issued by HoC on rejected cases.
- Undertaking in writing should be given by the selected candidate regarding the proper maintenance of the dependents.
- The power of termination of engagement on compassionate grounds are vested with HoC after selection.

Saturday, 27 May 2017
Central Head Quarters, New Delhi – 110001

CIRCULAR DATED – 24.05.2017
Demanding revision of wages of all Casual, Part-time, Contingent and daily rated mazdoors with effect from 01.01.2006 and again from 01.01.2016, as per the clear and unambiguous orders of the Postal Directorate extending the pro-rate minimum pay benefits of 6th CPC and 7th CPC.
Com. M. Krishnan, National President, Casual Labour Federation & Secretary General, Confederation (Standing Committee Member, National Council, JCM) will sit on indefinite hunger fast alongwith other CHQ office bearers with the full support and cooperation of Circle Co-ordinating Committee of Postal and RMS Unions (NFPE) Tamilnadu Circle.
Dear Comrades,
As you are aware in Tamilnadu Postal Circle, the Circle and Divisional authorities are not ready to implement the orders of the Postal Directorate revising the wages of Casual, Part-time, Contingent and daily rated mazdoors issued consequent on revision of minimum pay by 6th and 7th CPC with effect from 01.01.2006 and 01.01.2016. All effort made by our Tamilnadu state unit with the help of NFPE Circle Unions could not yield the desired result and hundreds of low-paid casual labourers are suffering.
The Central Working Committee meeting of Casual Labour Federation held at Hyderabad on 22.04.2017, has decided to organize indefinite hunger fast in front of Chief PMG office, Chennai deamanding immediate revision of wages of casual, part-time, contingent and daily-rated mazdoors of Tamilnadu Postal Circle in consultation and with the active support and cooperation of NFPE Tamilnadu Circle Unions.
Accordingly, it is decided to commence the indefinite hunger fast on 27th June 2017 in front of Chief PMG office, Chennai. CHQ office bearers of Casual Labour Federation under the leadership of Com. M. Krishnan, National President shall sit on indefinite hunger fast. The Circle Coordinating Committee of NFPE Unions, Tamilnadu Circle, has decided to extend full support and cooperation to the struggle. Tamilnadu state unit of the Casual Labour Federation shall mobilise maximum number of Casual Labourers on all days of the hunger fast, infront of the Chief PMG office, along with the active support and participation of NFPE Unions.
Notice of the indefinite hunger fast will be served to the Chief PMG during the first week of June 2017.
Let us join hands together for the cause of the most exploited and marginalized section of Postal employees. Let us not forget, that “an injury to one is an injury to all”. We don’t want the mercy of the Postal bureaucrats, we want our right and we shall fight and we shall get it. We are ready for a do-or-die battle.
As per the decision of the Central Working Committee, the All India Workshop of All India Postal Casual, Part-time, Contingent and contract workers Federation will be held at New Delhi (venue will be intimated later) on 13.08.2017 Sunday.Maximum participation of delegates from all Circles should be ensured. (Minimum five delegates should participate from each circle) The workshop will begin at 10 AM on 13.08.2017 and will continue till 5 PM. Food and accommodation will be provided. Delegate fee Rs.300 per delegate. (Accommodation will be provided from 12.08.2017 afternoon to 14.08.2017 morning 10 AM). On 14.08.2017 there will be a one day Dharna in front of Dak Bhawan, New Delhi).
All delegates who are attending the All India Workshop on 13.08.2017 shall sit on one day dharna in front of Postal Directorate (Dak Bhawan) on 14.08.2017 Monday from 10 AM to 2 PM, demanding immediate settlement of the demands raised in the Charter of demands submitted to Secretary, Department of Posts.
Eventhough, we could compel the Postal Board to issue orders revising the wages from 01.01.2006 and 01.01.2016 as per 6th CPC and 7th CPC minimum pay, other demands are not settled. Postal Board has given in writing the item wise Action Taken Report on the Charter of demands of the Casual Labour Federation. We will be submitting another letter to Secretary, Department of Posts, seeking further improvement on each pending demands.
NFPE, Central Head Quarters and all affiliated Unions/Associations of NFPE has assured full support and cooperation for implementing the above decisions of the AIPCPCCWF.
M. Krishnan Y. Nagabhushanam P. Mohan
President Working President General Secretary
Revision of minimum wage payable to Temporary status Casual Labourers - Confederation Of Central Government Employees

Ref: Confdn/Genl/2016-19
Dated – 25.05.2017
The Secretary
Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India
North Block, New Delhi – 110001
Sub:- Revision of minimum wage payable to Temporary status Casual Labourers – reg.
The minimum wage payable to Temporary Status Casual labourers is revised, every time when the minimum pay of Central Government employees is revised. Eventhough the notification revising the minimum pay of Central Government employees with effect from 01.01.2016 was issued by Government on 25.07.2016, the minimum wage of Temporary status Casual labourer is not yet revised. Pending revision, they are being now paid the minimum wage as per the 6th CPC wage revision.
It is requested that necessary action may be taken for revision of minimum wage payable to Temporary status Casual labourers working in various Central Government department.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General &
Standing Committee Member
National Council JCM
Source :
No. 01-07/2016-SPB-1
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001.
Dated: 22 May, 2017
1. All CPMsG
2. All PMsG
3. Director, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National postal Academy, Ghaziabad
4. All Directors, PTC
5. All Directors, Postal Accounts 6. Controller, Foreign Mails, Mumbai
7. Heads of all other Administrative Offices.
Subject: Regarding allotment of GPF Account Numbers to Casual Labourers with temporary status.
Reference is invited to Directorate’s letter No. 01-07/2016-SPB-I of even No. dated 12.09.2016 vide which clarifications in respect of Casual Labourers with temporary status were issued. The Directorate has received references from Postal Circles seeking clarification as to whether GPF account numbers should be allotted to Temporary Status Casual Labourers covered under the Scheme formulated vide Directorate’s letter No. 45-95/87-SPB-I dated 12.04.1991.
2. In this regard, it is clarified that Directorate’s letter No. 01-07/2016-SPB-I dated 22.07.2016 restores the provisions of the scheme as it existed prior to this Department’s letter no. 45-6/2005-SPB-I dated 02.09.2005. Since, the benefit of GPF was available to temporary status Casual Labourers prior to 02.09.2005, GPF account numbers may be allotted to such Casual Labourers for the purpose of contribution in GPF including those Temporary Status Casual Labourers who have not been regularized as yet. In this context, provisions of above said letter, dated 12.09.2016 may also be taken into consideration.
Yours faithfully,
(Satya Narayana Dash)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
The mass dharna organized in front of Union Finance Minister’s office at North Block, New Delhi was a thundering success. Inspite of repeated intervention of the police authorities and also denial of police permission in the last minute, employees and pensioners poured in thousands from all parts of the country and defeated the attempt of the authorities to prevent the Confederation from conducting the dharna at the declared venue, North Block, the centre of governance of Govt. of India. About 3000 employees and pensioners participated. As South Block and North Block are highly protected security zone in Delhi, during the last more than 15 years, no agitational programme could be organized near South/North Block. The dharna participants included employees from various affiliates of Confederation, Central Government Pensioners Associations, Autonomous body employees and pensioners. As a mark of solidarity and support of Central Secretariat employees, the leaders of Central Secretaries Employees Associations also participated in the mass dharna. The demands raised in the 21 point charter of demands of Confederation submitted to Government during the 16th May 2017 strike was highlighted. The demands included honour assurance given by the Group of Minister’s on 30.06.2016 to NJCA leaders, Increase minimum wage and fitment formula, grant revised allowances including HRA and Transport Allowance from 01.01.2016, Implement option-I parity recommended by 7th Pay Commission for pre-2016 pensioners, Implement positive recommendations of Kamalesh Chandra Committee Report on GDS and grant Civil Servant Status to Gramin Dak Sevaks, Regularise casual, Part-time, contingent, daily-rated and contract workers and grant equal pay for equal work, withdraw stringent conditions imposed on MACP promotions, Scrap PFRDA Act and withdraw NPS, stop outsourcing, Fill up all vacant posts, remove 5% condition on compassionate appointments, upgradation of pay scale of LDC/UDC, parity in pay to stenographers, Assistants, Ministerial staff in subordinate offices and in all organized accounts cadres with that of Central Secretariat staff etc.
The mass dharna programme was presided by Com. K. K. N. Kutty, National President, Confederation. Coms: M. Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation, R. N. Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE, Asok Kumar Kanojia, President, ITEF, Tapas Bose, President, Audit & Accounts Associations, R. Seethalkshmi, Convenor, Women’s Sub Committee, M. K. Kaushik, Ghanashyam, Central Secretariat Employees Association, Worlikar, National Federation of Atomic Energy Employees, Srikrishna Sharma, Central Government Pensioners Association, Rajasthan, Jaipur, Giriraj Singh, President, NFPE & COC Delhi addressed the huge gathering. Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Secretary General, Civil Accounts Employees Association & General Secretary, COC Delhi welcomed the dharna participants and Com. Geetha Bhattacharjee, National Secretariat member, offered vote of thanks. The mass dharna commenced at 11 AM and concluded at 2.30 PM. Slogans condemning the betrayal of the Group of Ministers were shouted.
The successful mass dharna once again proved that it is Confederation and Confederation alone is dare enough to fight against the betrayal of the NDA Government and also against all injustices meted out to the Central Government employees and Pensioners. The unprecedented success of the 16th March 2017 one day strike and the 23rd May 2017 mass dharna programme is a clear message to the Government that Confederation shall not rest, till the genuine and justified demands of the Central Government employees and Pensioners are settled.
Let us march forward to our next programme i.e; HUMAN CHAIN of Central Government Employees and Pensioners in all major cities in front of all important offices on 22nd June 2017.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob & Whastapp: 09447068125
Saturday, 20 May 2017
Friday, 19 May 2017
7th Pay Commission: Confirmed, allowances updates in one week
7th Pay Commission: Confirmed, allowances updates in one week Once the recommendations as per the pay panel are recommended it would cost the government's exchequer Rs 29,300 crore. Written by: Vicky Nanjappa Updated: Friday, May 19, 2017, 7:53 [IST] Subscribe to Oneindia News The revised allowance structure as per the recommendations made by the 7th Pay Commission would be announced next week, sources have confirmed. The Empowered Committee of Secretaries (E-CoS) is looking into the recommendations following which it would be presented before the Union Cabinet next week, the source also said. The 7th pay commission had proposed a total of 196 allowances; a Committee of Allowances was formed under the Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa to screen them.
Definitive answer in a week
The employees' union has been pressing for an update. A member of the union informed OneIndia that they are hopeful that the proposal regarding the allowances would be cleared by next week. Government sources informed that the E-CoS is looking into the recommendations on allowances made by the 7th Pay Commission. It would submit its report to the Union Cabinet following which the same would be cleared the source also confirmed.
Next step
The recommendations made by the Ashok Lavasa-led review committee regarding allowance structure were to be tabled before the E-CoS after consideration by Department of Expenditure. The committee of secretaries will table the proposal for implementing the recommendations made by the 7th Pay Commission, complete with the suggestions from Committee of Allowances, will be presented before the Cabinet for approval. The E-CoS meet will be presided over by Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha. Officials from Home Affairs, Finance, Health and Family Welfare, Railways, Personnel and Training and Post will also take part in the meeting.
Frustration will end in a week
Central government employees say that they are frustrated with the wait. However government sources say that their wait will not go futile and there would surely be an update by next week. The Seventh Pay Commission was constituted in February 2014 to review the principles and structure of emoluments of all central government civilian employees, including defence forces and submitted its report on November 19, 2015.
Rs 29,300 crore in the offing
Once the recommendations as per the pay panel are recommended it would cost the government's exchequer Rs 29,300 crore. Government employees have been saying that the meagre salary hike following the 7th CPC's recommendations undermined their self-worth. For them the hope is that the updates on allowances would be announced next week. Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself is keen that the the central government employees get a good deal.
Representations taken into account
After submitting the report to Jaitley, Lavasa had said the committee has taken into account representations made by various stakeholders. The report will now be examined by the empowered committee of secretaries and following that it will be placed before the Cabinet, he said. Out of total 196 allowances, it had recommended abolition of 52 and subsuming of another 36 into larger existing ones. The Pay Commission had recommended increasing the HRA in the range of 8 per cent-24 per cent.
Monday, 8 May 2017
7th CPC Revised Allowances should be from January 2016 – NCJCM Staff side
Dated: May 5, 2017
All Constituents of NC/JCM(Staff Side)
Dear Comrades!
Sub: Proceedings of the meeting of the Standing Committee meeting of the National Council(JCM held on 03.05.2017 under the Chairmanship of Secretary(DoP&T)
Immediately after Introductory Remark of the Secretary(DoP&T), the Staff Side raised the following issues:-
1. For more than 7 years now the National Council(JCM) has not met. Functioning of the JCM is completely diluted by the Government Departments are also not holding meeting. The grievances on service matter of the employees are getting accumulated. The JCM Machinery needs to be strengthened and meeting with the Staff Side should take place regularly.
2. It is now more than 10 months after proposed “Indefinite Strike” was deferred by the Central Government Employees; based on the assurance given by the Group of Ministers. None of the demands is settled. “The Staff Side is in dark about the recommendations of the Allowance Committee”. “While Pay Commission’s report is put on the Public Domain after its submission to the government, why these reports are kept secret”, the Staff Side asked. Since Allowances Committee report is considerably delayed the date of effect of the revised allowances should be w.e.f. 01.01.2016. The Staff Side has demanded that, Minimum Wage should be raised, Pay Matrix should also be revised, to recommend at least Minimum Guaranteed Pension of 50% of the last pay drawn, Family Pension, and Disability Pension and GPF to all the Central Government Employees. It is unfortunate that, Option No.1, recommended by the 7th CPC for pre-01.01.2016 Pensioners, is also rejected. The Central Government Employees are very much agitated and there is going to be an uncontrollable unrest, hence the Chairman is requested to convey our feelings to the government to avoid a confrontation
(Chairman intervened and assured that he would convey the feelings of the Staff Side to the government).
3. In spite of the Government orders many autonomous bodies have not revised the pay scale of the employees as per 7th CPC and no order is yet issued for revising the pension of the pensioners who retired from these autonomous bodies. These issues needs to be settled by the government.
4. Staff Side demanded to fill-up all the vacant posts and also to sanction additional posts to man additional assets and additional workload without insisting on Matching Saving.
Thereafter, Action Taken Report on the progress/decisions taken on the Agenda Points discussed during last Standing Committee Meeting was taken for discussion. Details are given below-
1. No privatization PPP or FDI in Railways and Defence Establishment
The issue will be separately discussed by the Railways and Defence Ministry with the Recognized Federations
2. No Corporatization of Postal Services
Department of Post informed that there is no proposal of Corporatization / privatization at this juncture.
3. Scrap PFRDA Act and reintroduce the Defined Benefit Statutory Pension Scheme
The Chairman stated that, we have to wait for the report of the NPS Committee. However, the Staff Side insisted that, there should be at least Guaranteed Minimum Pension of 50% of the last pay drawn, Family Pension, and Disability Pension.
4. Regularize the existing daily rated/casual and contract workers, and absorb trained apprentices. No labour reforms should be carried out which are not in the interest of workers.
After discussion it was decided that, specific cases, if referred to the DoP&T by the Department/ Staff Side, may be considered. The issue of Gun and Shell Factory Casual Employees would be considered in consultation with the MoD.
5. Revive JCM functioning at all levels as an effective negotiating forum for settlement of demands of the central government employees.
It was assured that JCM Machinery would be activated
6. Remove the arbitrary ceiling on compassionate appointments.
The Staff Side demanded the following:-
a. The arbitrary and artificial 5% ceiling may be removed.
b. Pending the same the 5% vacancies should be calculated on the overall vacancies and not in the vacancies of the particular year.
c. For calculation of vacancies Group B posts also should be taken into account.
d. In the Defence Ministry wards of service personnel are given Compassionate Appointment in the 5% of Civilian Vacancies. However while calculating 5% vacancies, the vacancies of service personnel are not taken in to account. This anomaly may be rectified.
e. Defence Ministry has proposed a onetime relaxation of 5% ceiling considering the large number of pending applications. TheDoP&T has rejected the same. The issue may be reconsidered by the DoP&T
After discussion on the above issues SecretaryDoP&T assured that he would reconsider the whole matter.
7. Ensuring Five Promotions in the Service Career
The Staff Side insisted that MACP should be in the promotional hierarchy and the condition of “Very Good” grading should be removed for granting of MACP
8. Non-implementation of the decision taken in the 46th National Council (JCM) Meeting held on 15t May 2010 with regard to Item No. 20.
The Staff Side stated that in spite of the DoP&T’s direction not to recognize Associations of “Workers”, the Defence Ministry is not implementing the same. After discussion Secretary DoP&T assured that he would discuss the matter with the Defence Secretary and settle the same.
9. Reduction of one day Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) to the employees of OFB & DGQA under
Department of Defence Production against Cabinet decision and Government orders. Staff Side protested against the arbitrary recovery of PLB days in the case of employees of Ordnance Factories, DGQA, DGAQA and EME. After discussion Secretary DoP&T directed the Department of Expenditure to reconsider the matter and if necessary to put up the case to the Finance Minister for his consideration.
10. Grant of one time relaxation to the Central Government employees who have availed LTC-80 and travelled by air by purchasing Ticket from other than authorized agent.
The Staff Side insisted that the employees who are otherwise not eligible for entitlement of air traveling, have purchased flight tickets from other than authorized agents due to their ignorance of rule position should not be punished by imposing recovery of the entire LTC amount etc. Therefore to settle the matter once for all a onetime relaxation may be given to such employees. After discussion it was decided that DoP&T may reconsider the whole matter.
11. Grant of House Rent Allowance to the employees who have vacated government quarters.
The Staff Side insisted that NAC should not be a pre condition for grant of HRA to those employees who vacate the government quarters. After discussion it was decided that the Directorate of Estate and Department of Expenditure would consider the matter.
12. Restoration of interest-free advances withdrawn by the Government based on 7th CPC recommendations.
The Official Side assured that, the demand of the Staff Side would be conveyed to the government.
13. Grant of entry pay recommended by 6th CPC to the promotees under the provisions of CCS(RP) Rules- 2008.
The Staff Side stated that the decision taken in the National Anomaly Committee meeting in this regard was not accepted by the finance ministry and at present the Principle Bench CAT New Delhi and the CAT Madras Bench has given judgment in favour of the employees and hence the Department of Expenditure may reconsider the matter. After discussion it was decided that the Department of Expenditure would reconsider the matter.
14. Grant of 3rd MACP in GP Rs.4600 to the Master Craftsmen (MCM) of Defence Ministry who were holding the post of MCM in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.4500- 7000 as on 31/12/2005.
After discussion it was decided that DoP&T will refer the matter to Department of Expenditure recommending to reconsider their earlier decision of rejection since the demand is in conformity with the rules on ACP/MACP.
15. Carrying forward of Earned Leave by Defence Industrial Employees on transfer/ appointment from non Industrial to Industrial Establishment.
DOPT has agreed with the demand and their decision would be conveyed to MOD after receipt of the proposal from Defence Ministry in this regard.
16. Reimbursement of actual medical expenditure incurred by the employees in recognized hospitals.
CGHS rates are under revision and the same would be issued soon.
17. Dental Treatment in private hospitals recognized under CGHS / CS(MA) Rules, 1944 for CS(MA) beneficiaries.
CGHS vide their OM dated 5th April 2017 has informed that the requirement of no objection certificate has been dispensed with vide OM No. S.14025/41/2015-MS dated 7.12.2016.
18. Removal of ambiguity in fixation of pay of re-employed Ex-Servicemen and grant of the same benefit extended to Commissioned officers to personnel below officers rank also
The demand is under consideration ofDoP&T in consultation with the Department of Expenditure
19. Permission to opt for pay fixation in the revised pay structure on a date after the date of issue of CCS(RP) rules 2016 notification (25.7.2016) in case of employees whose promotion becomes due after 25.7.2006.
The issue is under consideration of Department of Expenditure and a decision would be taken soon.
20. Fill up all vacant posts including promotional posts in a time bound manner.
DOPT is framing a fresh calendar for holding DPC and effecting promotions which will enable to fill up the promotional Posts in a time bound manner. Instructions will be issued very soon.
21. Abolish and upgrade all posts of Lower Division Clerks (LDCs) to Upper Division Clerks(UDCs)
The Staff Side demanded that the LDC post may be merged with UDC and MTS may be promoted directly to UDC. DoP&T agreed to consider the demand.
Due to paucity of time, new agenda points, given by the Staff Side, was not taken up for discussion. It was decided that the Action Taken on the New Agenda Points would be communicated to the Staff Side and a meeting would be thereafter convened to discuss these items.
Cabinet approves revision of pension to pre 2016 pensioners
The Cabinet approved modifications in the recommendations of the 7th CPC relating to method of revision of pension of pre-2016 Pensioners and Family Pensioners based on the suggestions made by the Committee, chaired by Secretary(Pensions), constituted with the approval of the Cabinet. While approving implementation of the 7th CPC recommendations on 29th June, 2016, the Cabinet had approved the changed method of pension revision recommended by the 7th CPC for pre-2016 pensioners, comprising of two alternative formulations, subject to the feasibility of the first formulation which was to be examined by the Committee. In terms of the Cabinet decision, pensions of pre-2016 pensioners were revised as per the second formulation multiplying existing pension by a fitment factor of 2.57, though the pensioners were to be given the option of choosing the more beneficial of the two formulations as per the 7th CPC recommendations. In order to provide more beneficial option to the pensioners, Cabinet has accepted the recommendations of the Committee, which has suggested revision of pension based on the information contained in the Pension Payment Order (PPO) issued to every pensioner. The modified formulation will be beneficial to more pensioners than the first formulation recommended by the 7th CPC, which was not found to be feasible to implement on account of non-availability of records in a large number of cases and was also found to be prone to several anomalies.
Sincerely Yours
(Shiv Gopal Mishra)
Secretary (Staff Side)
National Council (JCM)
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