No.A-60015/1/2016/MF.CGA(A)/NGE/7th CPC/6010
Government Of India
Ministry Of Finance
Department Of Expenditure
Controller General Of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
E Block, GPO complex, INA
New Delhi – 110 023
Dated: 23rd February,2017
Sub: Recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission – Bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.
Consequent to the issue of implementation Cell, Department of Expenditure OM No.1-6/2016-IC dated 7th September,2016, a number of representations have been received from AAOs under this organization through their respective Min./Deptt. regarding fixation of pay by bunching of stages in comparison with Sh.Babu Balram Jee, AAO, CPWD, IBBZ-I, Malda M/o UD in terms of the OM ibid. With a view to facilitate the accounting organisations under CGA, the service Book of Sh. Babu Balram Jee, AAO duly audited has been obtained from the M/o UD. The Pay details of Sh.Babu Balram Jee, AAO are as follows:
1 | Basic pay (Pay in the pay Band plus Grade Pay) in the pre revised structure on 1.1.2016: | Rs. 14900/- (Rs.10100 + Rs.4800) |
2 | Revised Basic Pay on 1.1.2016 in terms of Revised Pay Rules, 2016: | Rs. 47600/- (1st Cell of 8th Level) |
All respective accounting units of Ministries/Departments concerned may extend the benefit of bunching to eligible persons in adherence to the Department of Expenditure OM No.1-6/2016-IC dated 7th September, 2016. The statement of pay fixation under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 of Sh.Babu Balram Jee, AAO is also enclosed.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Sandeep Malhotra)
Sr.Accounts Officer
Encl: As above.
Statement of Fixation of Pay under Central Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rule, 2016