National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail:
No. PF-66 /2016 Dated : 15th November,2016
Shri B.V. Sudhakar,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110 001
Sub: Disbursement of Salary to Staff in Cash. Reg
Due to monetization Scheme, there is huge rush in the Banks and Post Offices and the Cap of Rs.24000/- for withdrawal from the S.B. Account has been imposed by the Government of India. It will create more problems to the staff to withdraw the amount of salary from the SB Accounts from Banks and Post Offices and it will adversely affect the work also because everyone will have to stand in long ques to withdraw the amount.
Keeping in view the above facts, it is requested to kindly cause orders to disburse the salary of the staff in cash for the month of November,2016.
Hoping for a positive action.
With regards, Yours Sincerely,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General