Sunday, 30 October 2016

NFPE writes to DG (Posts) on orders for delivery of e-tail articles on Sundays / religious holidays

National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue P O Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771, e-mail:
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981, website:

No. PF-67-19//2016 Dated: 27th October, 2016

Shri Ashutosh Tripathi,
Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001

Sub: Orders to deliver e-tail articles booked by e-Commerce Companies.

It has been brought to our notice by Circle unions that the CPMGs have issued orders to deliver the e-tail articles
booked by e-Commerce Companies on every Sunday, religious holidays and on the day of festival also.

In this connection we would like to draw your kind attention towards the decision taken on this subject in the
Department Council meeting of JCM and instructions were issued to all heads of Circles in this regard vide
Directorate letter No. 16/56/2011-SR dated 8th July,2011 which were again reiterated vide No. 08/15/20111-SR
 dated 09.11.2012.

Further it is also brought to your kind notice that the same reply was given by Secretary Post to
the Parliamentary Standing Committee vide Directorate No. 16/51/2011-SR dated 08/7/2011 through
Lok Sabha Secretariat.

But now all these orders are being defied by the Heads of Circles.

We are not against the development of Department. But the employees should not be deprived from
their legitimate rights of availing weekly off and religious and festival holidays.

It is therefore requested to kindly cause suitable instructions in this regard and on the day
 of Deepawali officials should not be ordered to perform this duty.

A positive action is highly solicited .

With regards.

Yours faithfully,
Encl : As above

(R.N. Parashar)Secretary General