Your Address Details
The Superintendent of POS,
Through: Proper channel.
Sub: Requesting drawal of increment for bunching of stages in the
Revised Pay Structure under CCS Revised Pay Rules 2016 –reg
Ref: DG’s letter number 7-2/2016-PC dated 12.09.2016.
My existing pay as on 1.1.16 is 11510 with grade pay 2400/- in the scale 5200-2400-20200 and on my option to switch over to CCS RP 2016 my pay was fixed in the corresponding level 4 of pay matrix at 29600/-.
Instantly those who are drawing at the stage of 11170 in the pre revised in the same pay structure have also been fixed at 29600/-.
Since my pay in the pre revised pay is 3 % more than those who were getting lower pay but got fixed in same the pay in level 4 of pay matrix of the Revised pay ,my case constitutes bunching in terms of para 2 of the DG on cited.
I therefore request that my bunching may kindly be caused to alleviated by granting one more increment and pay refixed at next cell downwards in level 4 at 31400/-
Thanking you,
Place : Yours faithfully,
Date :