Monday, 31 October 2016
Sunday, 30 October 2016
Interview For CEO & MD Of India Post Payment Bank On Nov 11
Press Trust of India | New Delhi October 26, 2016
Banks Board Bureau (BBB) will conduct interviews on November 11 for CEO and MD of India Post Payment Bank that plans to begin operation from next year.
The Postal Department has laid the criteria of minimum 15 years of experience in financial services and age between 40 - 55 years for prospective candidates.
Last year, India Post received in-principle approval from RBI and subsequently nod from the Cabinet for setting up the payment bank.
India Post's payments bank with 650 branches is expected to start functioning from September 2017. There are 1.54 lakh post offices, of which 1.39 lakh are rural ones.The total asset of postal payments bank is Rs 800 crore, which will have Rs 400 crore equity and Rs 400 crore grant.
India Post Payment Bank (IPPB) last month received certificate of incorporation from the Registrar of Companies, setting the stage for the new bank to begin operations during 2017.
IPPB aims to become the most accessible bank in the world, riding on advanced banking and payments technology.
Coupled with physical presence across 1.55 lakh post offices and the reach of the postman, it plans to become a powerful and effective vehicle of real financial inclusion in the country.
Courtesy :
Banks Board Bureau (BBB) will conduct interviews on November 11 for CEO and MD of India Post Payment Bank that plans to begin operation from next year.
The Postal Department has laid the criteria of minimum 15 years of experience in financial services and age between 40 - 55 years for prospective candidates.
Last year, India Post received in-principle approval from RBI and subsequently nod from the Cabinet for setting up the payment bank.
India Post's payments bank with 650 branches is expected to start functioning from September 2017. There are 1.54 lakh post offices, of which 1.39 lakh are rural ones.The total asset of postal payments bank is Rs 800 crore, which will have Rs 400 crore equity and Rs 400 crore grant.
India Post Payment Bank (IPPB) last month received certificate of incorporation from the Registrar of Companies, setting the stage for the new bank to begin operations during 2017.
IPPB aims to become the most accessible bank in the world, riding on advanced banking and payments technology.
Coupled with physical presence across 1.55 lakh post offices and the reach of the postman, it plans to become a powerful and effective vehicle of real financial inclusion in the country.
Courtesy :
CGHS introduces new facility to check the status of medicines issued to beneficiaries..!
To view history of Medicines issued to you follow the steps given below:
1. open url
2. In the window opened click on button 'Beneficiary Details'
3. Click on button 'Login with Beneficiary ID'
4. In the window opened click on button 'Register Here'
5. In the window opened enter the details and click on button 'Register'
a) In case the details entered are matching with data in CGHS Data base a
system generated one time 'pass word' will be sent to the registered mobile
phone by SMS
b) If , there is a message “details for selected beneficiary not found”
Please check the details entered or contact CMO i/c of CGHS Wellness Centre
for correction of Data / Mobile Phone number in the Data base
6. Once the pass word is received, go back to Beneficiary sign in page and
login using password
7.Click on button 'Beneficiary Medical History' and view details
1. open url
2. In the window opened click on button 'Beneficiary Details'
3. Click on button 'Login with Beneficiary ID'
4. In the window opened click on button 'Register Here'
5. In the window opened enter the details and click on button 'Register'
a) In case the details entered are matching with data in CGHS Data base a
system generated one time 'pass word' will be sent to the registered mobile
phone by SMS
b) If , there is a message “details for selected beneficiary not found”
Please check the details entered or contact CMO i/c of CGHS Wellness Centre
for correction of Data / Mobile Phone number in the Data base
6. Once the pass word is received, go back to Beneficiary sign in page and
login using password
7.Click on button 'Beneficiary Medical History' and view details
NFPE writes to DG (Posts) on orders for delivery of e-tail articles on Sundays / religious holidays
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue P O Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771, e-mail:
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981, website:
PF-67-19//2016 Dated: 27th October, 2016
Ashutosh Tripathi,
of Posts,
Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001
Orders to deliver e-tail articles booked by e-Commerce Companies.
has been brought to our notice by Circle unions that the CPMGs have issued orders
to deliver the e-tail articles
by e-Commerce Companies on every Sunday, religious holidays and on the day of
festival also.
this connection we would like to draw your kind attention towards the decision
taken on this subject in the
Council meeting of JCM and instructions were issued to all heads of Circles in
this regard vide
letter No. 16/56/2011-SR dated 8th July,2011 which were again reiterated vide
No. 08/15/20111-SR
it is also brought to your kind notice that the same reply was given by
Secretary Post to
Parliamentary Standing Committee vide Directorate No. 16/51/2011-SR dated
08/7/2011 through
Sabha Secretariat.
now all these orders are being defied by the Heads of Circles.
are not against the development of Department. But the employees should not be
deprived from
legitimate rights of availing weekly off and religious and festival holidays.
is therefore requested to kindly cause suitable instructions in this regard and
on the day
Deepawali officials should not be ordered to perform this duty.
positive action is highly solicited .
: As above
Parashar)Secretary General
There Will Be Internal Deputations from India Post to IPPB Says Secretary, India Post. Good For Us, Isn't it?
Shri B V Sudhakar Says There Will Be Internal Deputations from India Post to IPPB
IPPB is taking rapid steps towards operations. IPPB will become largest bank in the world says Shri B V Sudhakar, Secretary India Post. He also says that IPPB is planning to roll out 650 branches by next year and all these branches will work in connection with existing India Post offices thus making IPPB the largest bank in the world.
He also says that the bank is envisioned towards the financial inclusion of the country. He says that the bank is recruiting heavily and also said that there will be internal deputations from the officials of Post officess, RMS offices and DAP etc.
Watch the video below for full information.
We think that this is a good move by IPPB by deputing officials from india post to IPPB. What do you think about this?. Comment your views below.
Railway Unions demand 3% DA hike
Railway Unions demand 3% DA hike
New Delhi: Expressing “dissatisfaction” over over the announcement of 2 per cent increase in dearness allowance by the government, railway unions have demanded it be raised to 3 per cent.
We have expressed dissatisfaction over the announcement of a meagre 2 per cent rise in DA by the Central government from July 1, 2016, National Federation of Indian Railwaymen M Raghavaiah said.
Ahead of Diwali, the Centre has announced 2 per cent dearness allowance for Central government employees effective from July.
“Central government employees and pensioners have been waiting eagerly for the announcement of DA since September 2016. But we are disappointed that the government has announced only 2 per cent whereas the 12-month average of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016, works out to be 2.92 per cent,” Raghavaiah said and added “The Government ought to have been considerate in announcing this half-yearly hike in DA and rounded off to 3 per cent.”
All India Railwaymen Federation General Secretary S Gopal Mishra said 2 per cent DA is not satisfactory and it should be raised to 3 per cent.
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Friday, 28 October 2016
FAQ on Postman/Mailguard Direct recruitment 2016
1. How to apply for the post?
The detailed Notification and link for applying online is available at the website viz.,
2. Can a candidate who is awaiting final result apply for the post?
A candidate must have passed the qualifying 10th Class examination as on closing date of online Registration.
3. A candidate who passed out from distance education, can apply for this job?
A candidate must have passed the qualifying 10th Class examination from a Recognized Board / University.
4. What is the crucial date for determining age limit?
Closing date of online registration i.e. 15/11/2016.
5. For PH (physically handicapped) candidate what is the Age Relaxation?
For General candidate: 27 years + 10 years, for OBC candidate: 30 years +10 years, for SC/ST candidate: 32 years +10 years.
6. Whether NOC has to be produced by the candidates from PSUs/ Govt. Departments, at the time of registration?
NOC will be asked from the selected candidates at the time of joining the post.
7. Whether SC/ST/OBC certificate in the State Government Proforma allowed?
No, SC/ST/OBC certificate should be in the format prescribed for employment under the Government of India & issued by the competent authority. Please refer to notification.
8. Can an Ex-serviceman get any age relaxation?
- Yes, as per rules of Government of India.
- For General Candidate, His/her Actual Age (minus) Number of Years served in armed forces ≤ 30 years.
- For OBC Candidate, His/her Actual Age (minus) Number of Years served in armed forces ≤ 33 years.
- For SC/ST Candidate, His/her Actual Age (minus) Number of Years served in armed forces ≤ 35 years.
9. I am not residing in Tamilnadu. Can I apply for the post in Tamilnadu Postal Circle?
Yes. The Aptitude Test for 100 marks will be conducted in centres identified by the department in Tamilnadu. Out of 100 marks, 25 marks will be set in Tamil. Kindly refer to Pattern and syllabus for the examination in Notification.
10. I am not residing in Tamilnadu. Can I pay the fees in any Post Office in India?
No. Payment should be made only in the identified Post Offices having e-Payment facility, in Tamilnadu Postal Circle. The list is provided in the website.
11. I am unable to complete the Application. It comes out and gives message.
You are either “Not Eligible to Apply according to criteria in notification” or “the inputs are not filled properly”. Please read the message carefully & Retry the Registration. For more help please click on the “Support” tab and fill the form for a resolution.
12. What to do if photograph and signature are not getting uploaded?
Please check the size of photograph (10 to 50 KB) and signature (10 to 20 KB) and format of files must be JPG or JPEG.
13. Can the photograph and signature be uploaded at the time of downloading admit card?
No, the photograph and signature are to be uploaded at the time of registration only.
14. I have printed the Challan. Where do I deposit the FEE and by when it can be deposited?
You can pay your FEE in CASH at the Post offices with E-Payment facility listed on the Home Page of FEE can be paid within 3 days from the last date of Registration i.e. it should be paid on or before 18/11/2016.
15. After payment of Fee at Post Office, how do I update my payment information?
Click Login in the website and input the fields, as required. With reference to the Payment receipt issued by the Post Office, You are required to update the following:
1. PM Exam Receipt No
2. Date of Payment
3. Name of Post Office, where payment made
4. Amount paid
16. If the print out of the payment challan could not be taken after registration, can it be taken out at a later date?
Yes. The print out of the payment challan can be taken at a later date on “Login” and input the fields , as required. This option will be available only till the date mentioned in the notification.
17. Whether the registration number can be viewed again if the same has not been noted down at the time of submission of application.
Yes. The same can be retrieved from the email & SMS sent to you at the time of Registration.
18. Whether educational / community certificates are required to be attached along with registration?
No. Supported certificates are not required to be attached along with registration. These certificates will be verified for the selected candidates after the declaration of result.
19. Whether a candidate can register again if he has given any wrong information previously?
No. Once submitted, no changes can be made at any stage.
20. What is FEE to be paid?
Please refer to Notification. Payable Amount is either Rs. 100/- or Rs. 500/- and is printed on the FEE Challan.
21. Will Admit Card in hardcopy be sent to me by post?
No. Only softcopy of Admit Card should be downloaded from the website using Registration number and input the fields, as required. Please visit the website regularly for updates.
22. What is the model of written examination? Please give some selective book.?
Written paper will consist of multiple choice objective type questions and will be OMR based. No specific book is recommended. Kindly refer to Pattern and syllabus for the examination in Notification.
23. What is the syllabus?
Please refer to Notification.
24. What should I do if there is lot of delay in accessing the page?
- Speed for Registration of On-Line Application on Internet, is based on various factors like Internet Speed, large number of candidates trying to register the application at the same time etc. Therefore if you are not able to get the pages for registration immediately, please retry after a gap of 15 minutes or during off-peak hours during the night.
25. How do I know that my application is registered?
Successful Registration is indicated by the Page displayed after clicking the Submit Button indicating the generated "REGISTRATION NO." The same will be sent through an email to email ID & SMS to mobile number of the candidate given in the application.
26. I did not receive the email intimation for registration of my application?
"REGISTRATION NO." is sent by auto-response confirmation emails. Delivery of these emails purely depends upon the correctness of E-Mail ID provided, Policy of your E-Mail Service Provider to accept and Divert such emails under Bulk or Spam Mails or bounce back such mails without accepting it due to heavy number of emails generated by our Applications. In case of Govt./official /company Email Ids, delivery is controlled by your Company Policies. Therefore, please do not expect replies from us, if you do not receive such confirmation/auto-response Emails. "REGISTRATION NO." is also sent by SMS to mobile number of the candidate given in the application. For the problem of service provider, department shall not be responsible for non-receipt of email / SMS.
7th Pay Commission: Govt Gears Up To Notify Fatter Allowances

New Delhi:The government is gearing up to notify the fatter allowances shortly for implementation under 7th pay commission recommendations, after it’s got cabinet nod.
The government has to notify higher allowances for central government employees shortly and allowances will get increased from next month, the finance ministry officials told The Sen Times on Friday.
The central government employees and pensioners got theirs arrears of basic pay and pension arising from implementation of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations in one go in August salaries and pension respectively. The hike in basic pay and pension has been made effective from January 1, 2016.
The higher allowances will be paid after getting report from the ‘Committee on Allowances’ headed by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa.
The ‘Committee on Allowances’ has been set up on July 22 for examination of the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission on allowances other than dearness allowance.
The committee on Allowances met up with the deadline of four months given to it by the cabinet to submit the report. It’s however currently are waiting for Finance Minister’s call about submission its report.
Sources in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said the Finance Ministry asked to obtain report from the committee on Allowances and to prepare cabinet note in this regard.
Union Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa also said beginning of this month, “A committee headed by me is currently examining the Pay Commission’s recommendations on allowances and it will submit its report soon.”
“Allowances contribute 63 percent in the pay hike recommendation. When the allowance is not taken into consideration it will mean fewer amounts because the allowance which the commission proposed is very substantial. Accordingly, the central government employees get a little hike in pay now, so employees are pressing hard to issue it very shortly”, said the sources in PMO.
The finance ministry officials also said that the quantum of allowances may not vary from those proposed by the 7th Pay Commission.
“The committee on allowances sticks with the 7th Pay Commission’s recommendations on allowances,” they confirmed.
“The cabinet will also stick with the 7th Pay Commission recommendations on allowances like advances,” the finance ministry officials added.
“The higher allowances will be implemented with retrospective effect from August 2016 but the central government employees unions demanded for implementation of the allowances with retrospective effect from January 2016,” the finance ministry officials also said.
“The committee on allowances proposed higher allowances from August 2016, which is likely to be accepted by the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley,” they confirmed.
“Moreover, arrears for higher allowances will be paid from August,” the finance ministry officials assured.
Women employees can now file harassment complaints online:Govt
ress Trust of India | New Delhi October 26, 2016
The women employees of the Central government will soon be able to file sexual harassment complaints online.
The decision was taken at a meeting called by Women and Child Development (WCD) Minister Maneka Gandhi today after she received complaints from aggrieved women employees from various ministries.
Officials from Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Railway Ministry, Sports Ministry and Department of Financial Services were present at the meeting.
The e-platform for posting complaints will be hosted on the Women and Child Development ministry's website, a senior official said, adding the complaints will then be taken up with the respective ministries/departments.
An inter-ministerial committee headed by a senior WCD official will be constituted to review the status of the complaints. The forum will also ensure that all Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) heads are imparted training on how to resolve such complaints, he said.
It has also been decided that the DoPT will issue instructions to ensure that training programmes for all services include a module on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 to sensitise the government staff.
Additionally, the WCD ministry will issue guidelines for dealing with sexual harassment complaints. These will include a monthly as well as an annual report, to be prepared by the Internal Complaints Committee of each ministry, on the status of complaints received.
The cadre controlling authority of a victim will be required to monitor her progress for 5 years, in order to ensure that she is not further tormented for complaining against a colleague, the official said.
A similar exercise for the private sector is also on the anvil, he added.
The move comes after several women employees wrote to the WCD ministry about delay in getting their complaints about sexual harassment resolved.
Source :
After DA, Central Govt Employees Now In Wait For Fatter Allowances

The central government today announced 2 per cent dearness allowance, benefiting its 48 lakh central government employees and 52 lakh pensioners, in a bid to ease the inflationary pressure.
All eyes of central government employees are now on ‘Committee on Allowances’, which will take a final decision in fatter allowances under the 7th Pay Commission recommendations.
The increasing of Dearness Allowance (DA) of central government employees and officials were not helpful for maintaining their living standard, Finance Ministry’s official said on Thursday.
They also said fatter allowances under the 7th Pay Commission recommendations should implement which would give them some financial comfort, a step they had hoped might be taken within weeks.
Sources in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said the government may make a formal announcement on higher allowance after obtaining feedback from Finance Ministry.
They also said the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had initially appointed ‘Committee on Allowances’ headed by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa on July 22 for examination of the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission on allowances other than dearness allowance and asked to submit its report with in four months.
The pay commission had recommended abolition of 51 allowances and subsuming 37 others out of 196 allowances. So, there was resentment among employees over suggestions to scrap some allowances.
The Pay Commission recommended overall increase in allowances by 63 per cent.
The Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa recently said, “A committee headed by me is currently examining the Pay Commission’s recommendations on allowances and it will submit its report soon.
“The cabinet is likely to approve the proposal of committee on allowances and the higher allowances will be implemented with retrospective effect from August 2016 but the central government employees unions demanded for implementation of the allowances with retrospective effect from January 2016,” the sources confirmed.
“Moreover, arrears for higher allowances will be paid from August,” the source assured.
However, the central government employees’union expressed its resentment over the non-formation of High Level Committee for reviewing the minimum pay and allowances and say they must lead their march to Parliament on December 15 against non-formation of High Level Committee.
The central government employees and pensioners got theirs arrears of basic pay and pension arising from implementation of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations in one go in August salaries and pension respectively. The hike in basic pay and pension has been made effective from January 1, 2016.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Cabinet approves Cadre Review of Indian Posts & Telecommunications Accounts and Finance Service Group “A”
27-October-2016 15:47 IST
Cabinet approves Cadre Review of Indian Posts & Telecommunications Accounts and Finance Service Group “A”
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the first Cadre Review of Indian Posts & Telecommunications Accounts and Finance Service (IP&TAFS) with the following salient features:
(a) Reduction of the total strength of the cadre from 420 to 376.
(b) Creation of one Apex level post of Controller General of Communication Accounts (CGCA).
(c) Creation of one additional HAG+ level post taking the grade strength to 2.
(d) Creation of two additional HAG level posts taking the grade strength from 6 to 8.
(e) Creation of 18 additional SAG level posts taking the grade strength from 37 to 55.
(f) Reduction in JAG level posts from 111 to 90.
(g) Reduction in STS level posts from 198 to 86.
(h) Creation of 21 JTS level posts taking the grade strength from 67 to 88.
(i) Creation of 46 Posts to be operated as Reserves
Indian Posts & Telecommunications Accounts and Finance Service Group ‘A” was constituted in 1972 and caters to the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and the Department of Posts (DoP).
In Department of Telecommunications, the IP&TAFS performs the functions of assessment and collection of license fee/ spectrum usage charges, spectrum auction, USO scheme monitoring and subsidy management, exchequer control, budgeting, accounting, pension disbursement, internal audit and finance advice. In the Department of Posts, the IP&TAFS is entrusted with the functions of finance advice, budgeting, tariff and costing, accounting and internal audit.
There has been a paradigm shift in the role of Department of Telecommunications as well as the Department of Posts in recent years. In the Telecom sector, the role of the Department of Telecommunications has transformed from primarily being a Service provider, Regulator and Policy maker into the present structure whereby the Department is primarily responsible for Policy making, Licensing and Universal Service Obligation. Receipts from Department of Telecommunications, primarily License Fee, Spectrum Usage Charges and Spectrum Auction Value constitute one of the largest source of non-tax revenue for the Government of India.
Similarly, the bundle of services offered by Department of Posts has undergone a quantitative and qualitative change and the Department has ventured into areas of retailing, banking, insurance, digitizing operations etc. Further, the audit mechanism in both the Departments needs to be strengthened.
These facts coupled with the stagnation in various grades of the service necessitated a review of the structure of IP&TAFS.
NEW DELHI: 26.10.2016.
In a big relief to lakhs temporary employee who have been hired by government departments and agencies across the country on contractual basis, the Supreme Court on Wednesday held that they are entitled to wages at par with permanent employees and principle of 'equal pay for equal work' must be followed.
A bench of Justices JS Khehar and SA Bobde said the principle of 'equal pay for equal work' constitutes a clear and unambiguous right vested in every employee whether engaged on regular or temporary basis.
"In our considered view, it is fallacious to determine artificial parameters to deny fruits of labour.
"In our considered view, it is fallacious to determine artificial parameters to deny fruits of labour.
An employee engaged for the same work, cannot be paid less than another, who performs the same duties and responsibilities. Certainly not, in a welfare state. Such an action besides being demeaning, strikes at the very foundation of human dignity," the bench said.
The bench said the principle had been expounded through a large number of judgments rendered by theapex court and and constitutes law declared by the Supreme Court.
"Any one, who is compelled to work at a lesser wage, does not do so voluntarily. He does so, to provide food and shelter to his family, at the cost of his self respect and dignity, at the cost of his self worth, and at the cost of his integrity. For he knows, that his dependents would suffer immensely, if he does not accept the lesser wage," Justice Khehar, who wrote the judgement, said. "
"Any one, who is compelled to work at a lesser wage, does not do so voluntarily. He does so, to provide food and shelter to his family, at the cost of his self respect and dignity, at the cost of his self worth, and at the cost of his integrity. For he knows, that his dependents would suffer immensely, if he does not accept the lesser wage," Justice Khehar, who wrote the judgement, said. "
Any act, of paying less wages, as compared to others similarly situate, constitutes an act of exploitative enslavement, emerging out of a domineering position. Undoubtedly, the action is oppressive, suppressive and coercive, as it compels involuntary subjugation," he said.
The court passed the verdict on a bunch of petition filed by tempoary employee working for state of Punjab seeking wage parity with regular employee. They approached the apex court after Punjab and Haryana High Court held that temporary employees were not entitled to the minimum of the regular pay-scale, merely for reason, that the activities carried on by them and the regular employees were similar.
Setting aside the HC order, the apex court held that the principle of equal pay for equal work must be followed in the country as India was a signatory of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. "India is a signatory to the covenant, having ratified the same on April 10, 1979. There is no escape from the above obligation, in view of different provisions of the Constitution and in view of the law declared by this court under Article 141 of the Constitution of India, the principle of 'equal pay for equal work' constitutes a clear and unambiguous right and is vested in every employee - whether engaged on regular or temporary basis,"it said.
The Union Cabinet under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval to release an instalment of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to Pensioners w.e.f. 01.07.2016 representing an increase of 2% of the revised Basic Pay/Pension, to compensate for price rise. The increase is in accordance with the accepted formula, which is based on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission.
The combined impact on the exchequer on account of both Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief would be Rs. 5622.10 crore per annum and in the Financial Year 2016-17 for the period of 8 months (i.e. from July 2016 to February 2017), it would be Rs.3748.06 crore. About 50.68 lakh Government employees and 54.24 lakh pensioners will be benefited.
Centre may announce 2% DA for staff, pensioners: PTI
New Delhi, Oct 26 (PTI) In what could bring cheers to 50 lakh central employees and 58 lakh pensioners ahead of Diwali, the Centre is all set to announce 2 per cent dearness allowance to be effective from July 1, 2016.
"The proposal to provide 2 per cent dearness allowance and dearness relief to central government employees and pensioners respectively, is listed on agenda of the Union Cabinet meeting scheduled for tomorrow," a source said.
Dearness allowance and dearness relief is provided to employees and pensioners to neutralise the impact of price rise on their earnings.
Earlier this year the government hiked Dearness Allowance by 6 per cent to 125 per cent of the basic pay. The DA was later merged into the basic pay following implementation of 7th Pay Commission award.
The central government employee unions want that the DA should be increased by 3 per cent and not 2 per cent which is being considered by the centre.
President of Confederation of Central Government Employees K K N Kutty told PTI: "The 12-month average of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, works out to be 2.92 per cent. Therefore the unions had pressed for 3 per cent DA. We are not satisfied with this."
As per the agreed formula, government increases DA on the basis of 12-month average of the retail inflation and does not consider the price rise rate beyond decimal point for deciding the rate of dearness allowance.
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